
Monday, February 21, 2011

Shopping Cart – the Answer!

This challenge stumped almost everyone – so many folks thought it was a mile carton.

Possum was correct, but it’s NOT from Tractor Supply.
Sandra had gone with her 2nd guess,it could also could be a plastic grocery cart ”  she could have been the winner AGAIN, as she was correct in another
challenge earlier this month.

So, What is it?

orange what is this (1)orange what is this (2)

It’s part of a shopping cart – from Rose’s Store.

orange answerP1040931

Thanks, everyone for having some fun and Congratulations again, Possum *.

* Grenville said that if you want you can give the compost barrel a spin for your “prize.”


Lois Evensen said...

Wow, Grenville gives really neat prizes!

Anonymous said...

Good one :-) I did guess that it probably was something bigger than I guessed :-) But I have never seen a shopping cart made of plastic before! Don´t think they exist over here at all to be honest. Must be so much easier to pull around in the store than our heavy metal ones!

Have a great day now!

Montanagirl said...

Hmmmmm...should have known.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Lois, he sure does and you are welcome to take a turn anytime. Hope your trip back home is safe and snow-free (well one can dream).

Christer, some stores still have metal ones but most have gone to the plastic ones. When one is full, it's still heavy to push around a store!

Mona, why so?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh wow, i must be getting smarter, but not THAT smart. i am late finding out what it is. keep getting buried in email and blogging and having to backtrack.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, you are good at figuring these things out, maybe the next one will be more challenging! And I can udnerstand about getting bogged down with emails and reading and posting to blogs, including our own!

Anonymous said...

I don't feel too bad. I do not know what kind of place Rose's is.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Dogsmom, Rose's is a low-end department store which originated in NC.