
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowed In (Not)

P1030374As Reclusive Hermit posted today, it SNOWED overnight.

How much?
Enough to close local schools in both counties and other agencies.

WHAT?  How MUCH snow did you get?
Less than 2 inches, but this is NO snow plow country. The back roads were snow covered in the early a.m. hours. (Being former New Jersey residents where schools only closed after more than several inches or after a blizzard, closings are always amusing to hear on the local radio station morning broadcasts.)

Some views from the Frog & PenguINN front yard.

2house snow collage021011The back yard before the meltdown.

2yard snow collage021011Snow on trees and bushes in the a.m. before it melted.

snowfall collage021011SAM_3380


Grenville T Boyd said...

HEY Grenville!!!!! You don't look very sick in that picture.

Connie said...

Well, I'm glad to hear you didn't get snowed in. Pretty pictures. :-)

Out on the prairie said...

When I lived in Denver they waited 12 hours to plow most times because it melted off so fast, but there were some big storms you were amazed they didn't get on quicker.

L. D. said...

They are beautiful views. I wish you had some more of our snow to melt.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

RH, Grenville dragged himself out to be photographed with Beatrice in the snow.

Hi Daisy, we are very far from snowed in :-) and the morning snow just about melted by early afternoon, but it was still a gusty day.

Steve, snow plow? not here, if we had to wait for a snow plow we would be waiting until spring.After all, schools close with a 2-inch overnight snowfall that had ended by daybreak.

Thanks Larry, now if you can send some of that snow here we might consider doing that.

Anvilcloud said...

In a few weeks, I am going to get antsy about all of the snow we have, but I'll be okay until then.

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice ..that was a whoppa wasn't it hahaha!!
Your pictures are just beautiful, just enough snow to make everything pretty, even Grenville is looking good there!! : }}

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a beautiful home and like all the photos, hope the snow melts soon and spring comes bursting out for you. some of the snow reminds me of confectioery sugar sprinkled around

Desiree said...

What a beautiful set of pictures! I realise that living through all that bitter cold and snow is not particularly pleasant, but to me, viewing it from a great distance and from a very hot climate, I find myself wishing I could experience it all 'briefly' (it would need to be brief, because I feel the cold very easily and our coldest winters are many degrees warmer than yours!).

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

AC, it seems like just a few short weeks ago when you had no snow...those days are apparently gone (for awhile).

Thanks Grammie G for the kind words about the photos. Grenville is getting better every day!

Sandra, thanks for the compliments on our home and the photos. This was a light snow and did resemble powdered sugar.

Desiree, when I check out your photos and posts where you are living sounds wonderful, especially on a 16-degree morning like we had today. Thankfully, bitter cold is not the norm here.