Last weekend, we went tree shopping. After visiting a couple of nurseries and not finding any balled trees that were (1) small enough or (2) nice looking, we decided to go with a live cut tree once again. This year, we wanted one that would fit on top of a table by the front window vs. the typical floor-to-ceiling one of past years.
Our search was successful and soon the tree was in our cart, tied securely atop Grenville’s Jeep and on the way home. We decided to try LED lights this year. Since we were using a smaller tree, a single 100-light set would be perfect.

The finished result after we decorated yesterday. That’s an angel that lost her head (but only for the photo). Small toy bears are around the tree stand and this group is guarding the tree below.
Another group is hanging out by the TV/stereo cabinets.
This Nativity set was purchased more years ago than I can recall from a K-Mart store. It’s set up every holiday season and is usually on the fireplace mantel. This year it was relocated to a table.
We will be spending the holidays at home alone for the first time in many years. This decision is by choice to recoup from recent road trips, visits from electro-gremlins, and plumbing “adventures.” We’re planning to spend Christmas at home watching holiday movies, relaxing and being together without any company, dinner to prepare, schedules to keep or gifts to exchange. We’re giving one another “nuttin for Christmas” this holiday, except each our love.
And we’re keeping inside and outside The Frog & PenguINN decorations simpler and not putting as much “stuff” as in previous years. Of course, we still have favorites, like the mistletoe ball, holiday bell, “snow” penguin and the merry chris-moose.
We went through containers of holiday trimmings then donated a lot of “stuff.” A nursing home was happy to receive many stuffed teddy bears, penguins and frogs. These will be given to residents who might not otherwise receive any gifts.
Grenville decorated in the front yard and those decorations are much simpler as well. Penguins, candy canes and angel flags. A large cedar tree in the front yard was decorated with white lights.

We’re wondering how YOUR holiday plans are going this year and welcome your comments.
- Are you decorating more, less, or the same ?
- How/where are you spending the holidays ?
- Do you exchange gifts ?
ONE “tradition” we’re keeping is sending put holiday greetings – the old fashioned way – by mail. Thanks to the fellow bloggers who have emailed their names and home address to me. Our cards will be going out this week (the photo reprints were finally received).
IF any other fellow bloggers would like to participate in a card exchange, the details can be found here.