
Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is This? #4 of 2011

WOW it’s been over 2 weeks since I posted a photo challenge, so here goes.

Can you figure out what this is?

SAM_3309Hint: Yes, it is covered in some our recent weather, but that’s not the answer.

It’s nothing unusual, but may NOT be what you think.
Check back tomorrow for the (hopefully) surprise answer.


Out on the prairie said...

Central Air?

Anonymous said...

Is it a giant waffle covered in white FUDGE????

Country Gal said...

Is it latice fence covered in snow, BBQ grill, heck if I know lol now you got me wondering lol I'll check back tomorrow got to find out what it is ! Have a great day !

Elaine said...

John Deere tracks in the new snow or footprints. Since there's no indication of size it's a little hard to tell, but tracks of some kind. It could even be Grenville's reclusive substitute blogger trying to slink away so he can't be found. He's all blogged out now, so I hope he at least gets a hot fudge sundae or two for his efforts.

Scott Law said...

I can see the snow on top and the holes in it. It has to be pretty flat and level with the ground like a stair tread or something like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the seat to a metal patio chair?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi folks, this "What is This" really has you stumped - a first for me. I'll post the (surprising, I hope) photo answer later today. To answer your comments, here's what it's NOT...

Steve, it's NOT central AC and has nothing to do with any sort of equipment.
Anonymous, you MUST be a friend of Grenville's cause he's fixated on Hot Fudge!
Country Girl, it's NOT any of those items.
Elaine, nope not tracks of any type, including JDeere..and not Grenville's subbing blogger.
Scott, yes it's snow covered, but NOT ground level and nothing to do with stairs.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hmmmmmm---I really don't know what it is. The first thing I thought might be some little seeds planted in small cups.. I kept looking at it--but couldn't come up with anything else.. Can't wait til you tell us...

Have a great weekend.

Desiree said...

Snow on some type of grid is my best guess :)

Anonymous said...

It sure do look like a fence otherwise I have absolutely no idea what it can be :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day now!

Anonymous said...

Could it be a snow covered espalier?

Montanagirl said...

No clue here.

SouthernSass said...

I'm stumped too!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

WOW some great guesses here and actually 1 of you was CORRECT and get braggin' rights!
Betsy, sorry but not seeds in little cups.
Desiree, snow yes and not exactly a grid.
Christer, not a fence and had to look up espalier? and with your plant background can see why you guessed that.
Mona & Southern Sass, stumped no more...answer very shortly...soon as I can get it posted.