
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Orange You Glad

This year, I started a fun project of selecting a color and then taking photos of things that feature the color. My challenge was to see how many items could be found with that color in them, whether at home or while out.

The first color was Seeing RED, followed by Mellow YELLOW.
It’s taken a bit longer for this color – ORANGE. Things found around our home . . .
orange collage1
And in stores . . .
orange collage3
While going places . . .
orange collage2
Now for some ORANGE fun, do you know what this is?
No prizes this time – Grenville said it’s too cold to spin the compost barrel.


Lois Evensen said...

The last one has to be those cheese puff thingies. :)

Nice post. Nearly peachy, but much more orangie. ;)

Anonymous said...

Lots of orange in this post. I think there are Cheetos in that picture.

Montanagirl said...

I agree - Cheetos I think.

Anonymous said...

I thought orange was a difficult color to find here in my home, but IU actually found several things with orange in them :-)
Like paper bags from the grocery store, lids on jars and bottles and even on a comic magazine :-)

Have a great day now!

Desiree said...

The last picture looks like some type of cheese puff (crisp) ???

Amazing how much we can notice when we put our minds to it. This really is a fun project you've set yourselves :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea there is that much orange in our livs, but i have seen all of the above and did not even notice i was seeing orange. great post, great shots and there is the whole basket from the guessing game.

Out on the prairie said...

You should sign up for "The Brenda Photo Challenge".Each monthly challenge has a theme and this Saturday's is red.

Alan Burnett said...

They look a bit like fish fingers to me (you probably have no idea what I am talking about - do you have fish-fingers over there?)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi folks, YES the last photo is of a package of cheese puffs and NO we did not buy them (even for the purposes of this post). I prefer the chruncy type anyway, the ones that leave your fingers and mouth all orange looking. So these would not even be bought for the challenge and if the others were bought, there would NOT be any left to photograph!

Yes, there are always things to photograph in any color, as Desiree and Christer and Sandra commented. I have begun looking for them in ordinary things, and some not-so-ordinary as well.

Steve, thanks for the suggestion. I am planning to start a separate photo blog and then may well participate in various challenges. I'll check this one out later today.

Hi Alan, yes we do have some frozen fish products which are called fish sticks, and aside from having them as a child, we don't buy them, Now, fish and chips are another thing entirely and those we DO enjoy!