
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unwelcome Visitors

A post titled For the Birds a couple of days ago showed a variety of birds at our feeders – cardinals, blue jays, juncos, finches – colorful and enjoyable to watch.

Not so today when a horde of starlings, grackles, cowbirds and red-winged blackbirds descended on the feeders.

The timing of this visit might be connected to the cold snap on the fieldVA eastern shore Overnight temperatures were in the mid-20s. Then, a light snowfall came in today by mid-morning. It covered  already frozen fields forcing these unwelcome visitors to find other food sources in backyard feeders like ours.

This unruly group attacked the tube feeder and the flat feeders hanging on the crepe myrtle tree. One hung on the thistle sack.

blackbirds-tree fdr (4)

blackbirds-tree fdr (1)blackbirds in tree1210 (1)

Meanwhile, another gang attacked feeders on the double hook pole.

blackbirds in tree1210 (3)

blackbirds-pole fdrs (8)This cowbird found itself stuck in one of the tube feeders. Grenville was able to get it out and it happily flew away – hopefully never to return – but not too likely.stuck in feeder

Now, it’s time to put more safflower seed out to discourage these intruders.


Out on the prairie said...

You have a cure right, I hoped you knew about it.Activity will do it also, butif they don't leave let it go dry for a few days.

Christine said...

Wow they were a rowdy bunch! What can you expect from party crashers, they should mind their manners!!! Have a good weekend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Steve, I was using the safflower seed but then noticed the birds were spilling it out of the feeders, but it was keeping these unwelcome visitors I'll be giving it another tr4y and hopefully the welcome birds will accept it and return. The cardinals (and others) do like the sunflwoer seed best, but these party crashers would leave nothing to share.

Yes Mama-Bug that's the perfect way to describe these raiders. Enjoy your weekend too! We're on a road trip to NJ to pick up my mother for a holiday stay.

Anvilcloud said...

I really dislike grackles and cowbirds. They come in droves and don't quit.

Unknown said...

You have a crowd there.
Everyone needs a free meal.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You got that right, AC, and this morning there were twice as many as yesterday in the snow. Hope that once the food supply runs out or the snow clears in the fields - BOTH preferably - they will GO AWAY!

Costas, this is more than a crowd. It's like a small bird village and the free meal is always a draw whether for humans or animals! THanks for the visit today.