
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Heading to NC (Again)

We’re on the road gain, folks. OK, so you might be thinking, really, what a surprise.

Actually, it was a surprise to me until last weekend, when Grenville coyly asked, “What are we doing next weekend?”

A hesitant, Why? from myself (Beatrice).

“Let’s go to see and ride trains and go to a craft fair. It’s only a 10-hour trip. And, did I mention we get to ride a steam train?” Grenville replied, adding “we can stay for free, cause we have enough points on our Wyndham Rewards credit card.”

SO, today, we’re heading back to Bryson City, NC home of the Great Smokey Mountain RR which we visited and posted about in mid-May. Grenville rode in the engineer’s cab and posted about that ride.

This time we’re going to the 10th Annual Mountain Craft and Railfest celebration in Bryson City, NC with lots of crafts, artwork, train memorabilia and, of course, Grenville’s favorite, TRAIN RIDES. We’ll skip seeing the train wreck from the Fugitive movie this trip.  Downtown Bryson City will probably be a lot busier than when we strolled the streets in May. We’ll make another pizza stop at Anthony’s Restaurant recommended by fellow bloggers Lois and Kjell.

Bryson City return911This is a long trip from the Frog & PenguINN on the VA eastern shore. There’s an overnight stay in Greensboro, NC going and coming home.

Sorry for not blogging earlier about this NC road trip, but there were several things going on this week and we forgot. Several blogging friends live in NC and just maybe we can meet somewhere for a face-to-face over a cup of coffee We’ll be checking email enroute – anywhere there’s a free wi-fi stop.  If you live near or along our route or overnight destinations (Greensboro, NC and Bryson City, NC) please post a comment and maybe we’ll get to meet.

That would be FUN !


Out on the prairie said...

It sounds real fun, I remember your last trip.

grammie g said...

Hi B...I would love to take a train ride...but none here in Maine that really go anywhere!! Portland to Quince Market in Boston that's it!!
Looks like you are have a great time ...enjoy!!


Christine said...

Have lots of fun you two! Wish I was going.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

having trouble commenting, i am suffering from a bad case of green eyed envy... have fun, wish i were there toooo

L. D. said...

What fun that will be. The quickly planned trips are the most fun as you feel like your playing hooky when you just are really enjoying the life you deserve. I hope to see pictures of the steamer train.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Sounds like a wonderful time!...:)JP

Connie said...

I hope you have a great time. Sounds like fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could cvome with You, that sounds so fun :-) :-)

Have a great trip!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Have a wonderful time! blessings,Kathleen

Elaine said...

I'll bet this trip has been percolating in the back of Grenville's mind since May! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos.

Ginnie said...

Well, Greensboro is just about an hour from where I live. Unfortunately I don't have the free time to hitch up with you but hope that your/our weather will be good for you. Right now it is pouring rain and it's supposed to get unseasonably cold. Pack sweaters and HAVE FUN.

Montanagirl said...

Have a great trip! I'm sure you'll have fun.

DeniseinVA said...

Happy traveling to you, sounds like a great trip. Wish I lived along the route you'll be taking, would love nothing more than to hang out over a cup of coffee. Can't wait to see all the fun photos.

Scott Law said...

How fun!!! Cool montage too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks ALL for the comments. We arrived in Bryson City, NC this afternoon after an overnight stop in Greensboro, NC. This is a long trip from the VA eastern shore, nearly 11 hours.

Hey Steve, that last trip was a few short months ago and here we are back again.

Grammie G, Mama-Bug, Sandra, fun is something we always make sure to have plenty of on our trips.

JP, a bit more fun than moving for sure.

Yes, we will be posting train pics, Larry.

Thanks JP, more fun than your current moving.

Christer, Kathleen, Elaine thanks too bad you all can't come along to share the adventures!

Ginnie, maybe another time if we're heading to NC or is you happen to be up our way on the VA eastern shore.

Mona & Daisy, thanks for the well wishes.

Denise, sorry we are not going your way too as it would have been great to meet over a cup of coffee, maybe another trip.

Thanks Scott, the collages are so easy to create in Picasa and lots of fun to do. Hope you have been having fun too.

Susie Swanson said...

It sounds like fun Beatrice. You are not far from me in Bryson City. I'm from Murphy, N.C.