
Monday, September 12, 2011

Harborfest Time (Again)

It was celebration time in the neighboring town this past weekend cause summer's end means time for Harborfest in  Onancock, VA (pronounced "o-NAN-cock" by locals; meaning "foggy place" in the language of the Algonquians.)

This annual event occurs on the 2nd Friday and Saturday in September after the rush of summer events and holidays are over.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do – far from it – folks come from far and near (mostly here) to experience not-to-be-missed events – Best Dressed Pet Contest, Great Paper Boat Race, and the ever-popular Rubber Duck Race with monies benefitting Hospice.

Since, you all couldn’t join us on Saturday, here are some photos that highlight the events.

Rock wall climbing – always a popular event

wall climb collageWater slide, face painting and a Navy lending craft . . .

harborfest collageBest dressed pet contest, who selected these outfits?

pet contest collageGreat paper boat race . . .

paper boat race collageRubber duck race – folks gather on the bridge to watch the front loader drop the ducks into Onancock creek

duck race start collageThe race is on ever so s-l-o-w-l-y . . .

ducks in water910 (3)Then, it’s over and time to collect the losers . . .

duck collect collageWAIT, there’s more. Grenville will post about the Watershed Walk which he helped coordinate.

AND, there were a lot of wonderful antique cars on display – photos to follow later.


Christine said...

Oh what FUN! Wish I could have been there!

Unknown said...

I saw the title and thought to myself "Harborfest was in Norfolk." We plan our summer trips home to hit town the Monday after that one is over so we don't have to deal with all the traffic between the downtown tunnel and the Virginia Beach line.

NCmountainwoman said...

What a treat to have good old fashioned family fun.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Looks like fun and you all had great weather for it. Now I think I have seen it all... a rabbit dressed up?

Montanagirl said...

Fun! That's a lot of rubber duckies.

Cicero Sings said...

I tried rock climbing ... once. Once was enough.

Now that rubber duck race ... interesting. Did people get to take one home I wonder? like candy tossed to the kids in a parade?

Allison said...

My kids would love that. I really wish we had something like this here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lead me straight to the car show. love old car. which is YOU in the first collage? LOL
looks like great place for PHUN

Out on the prairie said...

I would just like to be close to a harbor.Sounds fun!

grammie g said...

HI B...great the bunny in a
Rubber ducky rece ..what a riot!!


Anvilcloud said...

Any wall climbing for you guys? I have been climbing some figurative wall lately. :)

Anonymous said...

That looks just so fun :-) :-)It would have been fun to participate in the great paper boat race :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Looks like a really fun community day! Thanks for sharing the pictures. :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Christine (Mama-Bug) lots of fun stuff but hot and humid weather too which you know well in FL. Save the date for next year!

Chip, Harborfest is a popular name for these events; missing traffic is always good.

NCmountainwoman, lots of family friendly things to do at this event in the day; nighttime is more for adults only with music.

Tammy, Mona and Eileen (Cicero), the rubber duck race is an annual fundraiser for the local Hospice. Folks "sponsor" a duck at $5 each and get an adoption certificate that's numbered. All the ducks dumped in the water have ID nos. and thre are cash prizes for 1st, 2and 3rd place.

Tammy, the bunny was not even excited by the dogs so maybe the dress was a good disguise?

Allison, I'm sure that some of the Swiss festivals and events in would be fun to see and enjoy.

Sandra, car post is coming soon and there were NO restored T-birds. So maybe next year, Marty and you would like to come and show yours?

Steve, if you moved to our little town, there would be one in the next larger town.

Grammie G, actually the paper boat race is more fun than the duck race.

AC, no wall climbing, just the figurative type for us as well.

Hey Christer, sorry but there's an age limit so you couldn't enter the paper boat race :-(

Thanks, Daisy lots of fun here.

Carole Barkett said...

looks like a great time. love the ducks

Elaine said...

Looks fun! We have a rubber duckie race here at our Golden Days in July. They have some pretty good prizes but my duckies always seem to dawdle along the way and investigate what's happening along the bank and whatever else. They certainly don't concentrate on winning the race because none have ever even placed.

Hmmm, notice that it's only little dogs in that contest--well, except for the rabbit. Looks to me like the bunny should have won hands down.

And much as Marty likes his old cars, he doesn't enter them in shows. He just likes to drive them. Of course, he might be game to drive all that way, but I'm here to tell you that long distance travel in a little T-bird is not for me!