
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stormy Weather (Not the Song)

Storm clouds have been gathering lately . . .

sunlight thru cloudsNC 911 (6)sunlight thru cloudsNC 911 (4)Hopefully, it will be clearing soon . . .

sunlight thru cloudsNC 911 (8)And, better (perhaps) sunny days are coming . . .

sunlight thru cloudsNC 911 (1)

sunlight thru cloudsNC 911 (7)

Maybe even this week?

Hope that your weather is doing better than ours.


Elaine said...

Nice photos! We had beautiful sunny weather today, but you probably wouldn't want to trade as our high was 52 degrees.

Allison said...

For storm clouds, those are awfully inspiring! :) We're having sunny weather and enjoying it as much as we can before the grey winter sets in! :)

possum said...

As usual, absolutely beautiful.
Great shots!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice captures!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs!
I was hoping to getsome just like that too today but the sun and the clouds didn't cooperate with me :-) :-)

Not better over here, a rain that started as a gentle drizzle is now pouring down.

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had a wham doozle of a thunder storm at 4 am today, rained until 10 the sun came out and now at 1:20 the sun is covered and we are thinking another wham doozle is on the way. your clouds and sky and sun beams are beautiful

Anvilcloud said...

It has been beautiful here. I have to rub it in while I can.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Beautiful shot, Beatrice!...:)JP

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hey Elaine, actually I WOULD trade your beautiful sunny day with that 52-degree high. We've had rainy and muggy weather since last week with humidity to match; a/c is still on here.

Thanks Allison, hope your grey days are shorter too.

Comments much appreciated, Possum and Steve.

Christer, maybe the rain got to you cause now it's half-way sunny, but still lots of grey clouds. No lawn cutting again today.

Sandra, really like that term "wham doozle" and can honestly admit I have never heard it before.

AC, you will get yours...rain, that is...sooner or later.

Thanks JP, I've been reading about the move adventures.

Montanagirl said...

Nice shots! We have a nice sunny day here, but windy. the temp is currently at 76. I can live with that.

Theotherjew said...

We had a nice storm Friday evening, this is a photo Ann took on her phone.

Connie said...

We had rain early this morning, but the rest of the day turned out much better with warmer temperatures and sunshine. These are beautiful storm cloud pictures. I especially like the rays of sunshine coming through between the clouds.