
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Family Visiting

This weekend we're winding up our month-long road trip through NH. It’s been fun exploring and sharing our adventures with everyone. But, we realize you may grow weary of so much history.And, the adventures continue with family visits before we're home on Halloween.

Before leaving New England, we made a return trip to RI for a visit with grandson and granddaughter as we won’t see them again until post-Christmas when we re-visit New England.

Grandson carved a couple of pumpkins with help from Grandpa.

Bobby collage1

He was proud of the results too.

Bobby collage8Granddaughter entertained with many expressions. She’s already captured our hearts.

Elizabeth collage2Y

Grandson and Grandpa played several games and grandson won!Bobby collage9


Country Gal said...

Beautiful grandkids. lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.

Betty Pauwels said...

Beatrice how nice to "meet you"!!! What beautiful grandchildren!!!

My husband and I are transplants from NJ, 18 years ago. Bob was transferred to NH...the first few years I cried missing home but now he is semi-retired and we could move back home but we love it here.

You really did cover our state :). Next time you visit let me know we can go shooting with you.

Thank you looking at my blog...will add yours to my favorite blog listing. Again so nice hear from you,



NCmountainwoman said...

What beautiful grandchildren. I am so jealous. I only hope that I will have grandchildren before I have taken to the rocker.

Montanagirl said...

Darling grandkids and nice set of photos!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, Elaine (Country Girl).

Welcome Berry, so nice to read your comments here - THANKS for the visit, I sent you an email from your blog listing. yes, we did try to cover as much area as possible while in NH and found Nashua a good base to take day trips, except for the overnight trip to North Conroy which was too far a distance to and fro. We do plan to return and hope to meet up! And, we are also NJ natives, how ironic.

Thanks NCmountainwoman for the comments and if you are in a rocker, the grandkids can get free rides :-)

Mona, yours are pretty special too!

Elaine said...

Good thing you gave us warning of the cute grandkids! They are adorable! Elizabeth is growing fast--they stay babies such a fleeting time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

totally adorable, no warning needed

L. D. said...

They are such sweethearts. You should be proud for sure.

Out on the prairie said...

Bunch of cuties, I was well worn out from my last visit.

Carole Barkett said...

you're right very cute grandkids

john bain said...

He made a very good job of that pumpkin.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Look at your sweet babies, So precious! Bobby is sure talented with the carving knife, maybe he will become a surgeon? Look how much Miss Elizabeth has grown! So pretty!! Such an angelic face. I am sure you got lots of kisses to tide you over till you can see them again.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Elaine, Sandra and Larry, we sure do think they are cute!

Steve, you are right cause they can wear you out quickly, but right now Elizabeth is fairly stationary, but once she starts walking . . .

Thanks Carole.

Yes, John, Bobby really enjoyed doing both pumpkins with grandpa's help and I think G enjoyed it just as much!

Tammy, we made sure to stock up on both hugs & kisses as they need to last awhile until the next visit.

Connie said...

What adorable grandkids! Must have been so much fun spending time with them. I'm catching up on reading the blogs I visit. I hope all is well with you. :)