
Friday, October 28, 2011

Say It Isn’t S-N-O-W

As you know, Grenville was quite excited about the 1/2-inch snowfall we had on our last night in NH yesterday. Actually, that’s putting it mildly because he was downright giddy. If I didn’t know better, I would suspect him of doing a snow dance.

We are now in Lancaster, PA, which is our weekend stop to visit family before continuing home to the VA eastern shore and GUESS WHAT ?

S-N-O-W is on the way tomorrow as the entire eastern seaboard braces for the first snow of the season – before Halloween – did Mother Nature forget to check her calendar?

Could Grenville have wished this event in his earlier post?

Here’s what we saw before leaving NH this morning. These flowers were definitely unprepared.NH snow collage1NH snow collage2

The roadsides looked a bit “wintry” with black ice earlier in the a.m.

NH snow collage

But, the trees were not quite ready for this early blast of winter and are still “dressed” in fall colors.

NH foliage collageWe’re here until Monday morning. It should be an interesting weekend – 6 to 10 inches of snow may be headed this way.

Grenville is in his glory, or maybe just out of his mind.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I do like snow in photographs :-) Just vas long I don't have it falling down here :-)

Have a great day!

Montanagirl said...

Love your photo collages. You do such a nice job with those. No snow here yet. 51 today, and 31 right now. It was a beautiful day.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...
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Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Note to self, do not try and post comments until one has had at least 2 cups of coffee.

Here coffee yet.
Usually when I see a post with snow I say, "Send some here" as we seldom see it. But I think its too early to be asking that. Sure is lovely but most importantly, I pray you have a safe trip home.

Christine said...

I think Grenville definitely got his wish! I'll just have to enjoy the snow photos since snow in Florida is a rariety; but we have seen it here!

Unknown said...

Great post. But hold the snow if you please.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Christer, I'm with you! Right now i wish we were already at home where only rain is predicted.

Hi Mona, hard to believe snow is predicted here on the east coast and yet in Montana you are having moderate temps, but I know your snow-time is coming. Thanks for the compliment, the collages are so easy to create in Picassa.

Tammy, I've had those days when not even more coffee would help. Thanks for the well wishes on the trip home. Forecasts call for the snow to be gone by Sunday a.m. and we leave on Monday.

Yes Mama-Bug. Grenville is getting his wish and so are a lot of other folks. Maybe he should start working on a white Christmas now? As for snow in Florida, you never know cause weather sure is strange - look what's happening now!

Hey Snapper II, will do for you.

Anvilcloud said...

There's something about the first fall, especially when you know that you don't have to face six more months of it. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hubby is from perkasie PA and still has family there, you are not to far from there. the flowers are beautiful with their ice crystals.

grammie g said...

Hi B....that Grenville what can be done about his overjoy at the site of snow...I am waiting to here his take on a late spring one when he hsa to plow snow of the garden!! lol

They are saying a foot for me here,but I will believe it when I see it, I may have egg on my face for saying that
It surely won't stay on the ground long??eeekS

Love the photos especially the leaf in the snow it is pretty even if it is snow! : }
Enjoy the family and safe trip home!!



Out on the prairie said...

I think he misses the tractor. Thanks for the lovely thoughts, you really help take the stress away.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi AC, I think we even beat you on the first snow this year, but if we were at home in VA we would not have had the chance to sdee this event.

Hey Sandra, bet that hubby BOB is not missing the show in PA.

Thanks, Grace and please be careful yourself IF you do get all that white stuff.

Hi Steve, you might have a point there about Grenville missing his beloved JDeere. And you are most welcome. Thank you for sharing!

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

I'm with Grenville.... giddy at seeing snow! Since I'm such a new transplant, I'm loving it! Even if it is a few weeks earlier than I had thought possible!