
Monday, October 3, 2011

Following Foliage

top of car0724

Our Jeep won’t be quite as loaded up as this car, but it will be plenty full inside because – we’re off on a Road Trip.

mapofnewhampshire2Yes, we will be leaving the Frog & PenguINN and heading out on what has become our fall road trip.

Last year, Maine was the target destination. We had a great time exploring from Bangor to Portland and places in between. So, we decided to return to New England for the fall colors once again. This year we will be touring throughout Newvermont Hampshire for our first-ever visit.

Original  plans included travel in Vermont as well. But in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, which left many roads severely damaged or closed, we opted out this year. But, we may still try to see a little, since we will be close by.

Of course, just like last year, we’ll blogging along the route whenever we have internet access. There will be lots of places to explore and learn about, and share.

If any fellow bloggers have been through these states, please post any comments on suggestions. We’re spending the first 2 weeks at an extended stay in Nashua, NH and will be taking day trips from that base location.

In mid-October, we’ll be going to RI for the christening of new granddaughter born in July. A benefit of being in NH is that we’ll be a lot closer to her home then traveling from the VA eastern shore, a 10 hour trip.


possum said...

Have a safe trip, ya'all!

Connie said...

I hope you see lots of beautiful fall colors. Have a good trip!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoy, we will be here waiting for your stunning fall color shots and a few stories of what you do.

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Ohhhh!! It's the perfect time to be one of the leaf peepers!
Be sure you pop over to Vermont just a little... it's my favorite! Used to spend a lot of time there in my college days (when I should have been in PA studying!) but that's another story!

Anvilcloud said...

Have a great trip. It's our TG weekend, so I think we'll be toodling around too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, Possum.

Daisy, we hope to see some colors as we did in Maine last Oct.

Sandra, we enjoy sharing our adventures and will be doing more of the same this trip.

Hi Grace, we do plan to try and drop into at least part of Vermont if we get a chance.

Hi AC, Happy Thanksgiving, ours comes later in Nov.

L. D. said...

Enjoy the colors. My son lives in Bar Harbor area but we have never been there in the fall. Cute grandchild.