
Monday, May 2, 2011

What’s Blooming at the F&P

Spring is colorfully blooming at The Frog & PenguINN.  Last week,DSC02357 we had a drenching downpour. Within a couple of days, perennials planted in the first wildflower garden last spring started blooming. While the second wildflower garden doesn’t yet have much activity, the purple martins are once again in residence. 

Last week, we seeded and mulched the new wildflower meadow, updates to follow on any growth sightings. This afternoon I wandered around the yard to show what’s already in bloom. The geraniums and petunias were planted last week.

Purple iris – first blooms in my favorite color.
purple iris collage0502Geraniums planted in pots by the front door.
geranium collage0502Petunias planted on the back patio.
petunia collage0502Dianthus in pots on the back re-bloomed from last year.
dianthus patio collage0502Dianthus returned to the wildflower garden.
back patio collage0502Assorted blooms in the front and back yard.
flowers assorted collage0502What blooming in your part of the world?


Montanagirl said...

Your flowers are gorgeous. The only thing I have blooming are a few Tulips. It was 28 degrees this morning, and had ice on the birdbaths.

Elaine said...

Beautiful and colorful collages! What's blooming here? Ha, ha! But the snow is gone except in shady spots and a few brave shoots are poking their heads up. Give us a few weeks though and things will begin to happen.

Anvilcloud said...

What's blooming? I guess just daffodils. Tulips are coming.

Christine said...

They're all beautiful Beatrice. Like you the purple iris is one of my favorites.

Out on the prairie said...

Simply gorgeous and followed by a nice piggy meal. MMMMM

Judy said...

Hi Beatrice,

Love the pretty photos! So far, I have azaleas, cherry blossoms, dogwoods, magnolias, and other beautiful white flowers on trees blooming in my area. I've taken so many pix. Now I just have to post them. Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a happy Easter. Hope you and your family had a nice Easter as well.


grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice ..So bright and colorful your plants are... lovely collages photos!!
Things are growing like crazy now ...mowed some lawns today,and the hummingbird arrived this morning at the feeder I set out yesterday.
Rain coming in for us for a few days ,so I best get back to work !!

Anonymous said...

Well hellebores,crocuses and other spring bulbs but that´s all at the moment. We can´t even start to think about petunias yet :-) :-) :-)

But cherry trees and bird cherry trees has started to flower out in the forest now.

Beautiful photographs!
Have a great day now!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love all the flowers, but my favorite today is the Iris, it looks like it has a beautiful purple tongue. gorgeous shots. here we have moss rose, hibiscus, orange trumpet vine, million bells and a couple of purple flowers i don't know their name. that is what is in our yard right now,plus our tomatoes are nice and red

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for all the compliments and comments, folks. Glad you enjoyed our flower show. Once the wildflower gardens and meadow start blooming, there will be lots more photo ops.

Mona, YIKES, 28 degrees is still winter.

Elaine, you might be ahead of Mona's weather in Montana. Looking forward to seeing your flowers again this season, whenever it arrives for you.

AC, daffodils are all gone here and only 1 tulip bloomed (so far. More irises hopefully this week.

Thanks Christine (Mama-Bug) and Steve.

Judy, you do have some colorful blooms and look forward to seeing them on your blog soon. Magnolias are not yet ready here. Thanks too for the Easter wishes. It was a nice and restful day for us; family is all in other parts of the country.

Grammie G, glad to hear it's rain now and not any snow (bet you are too). Grass cutting is in our plans this week after rain tonight and on Wed. Have to set out our hummingbird feeders too.

Thanks Christer & Sandra for telling us what's blooming for you now. Those tomatoes would be great with our salad and yours too, I know! Our tomatoes are not even planted yet.