
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Clean-Up

Our town is having a yard debris pickup this coming week, which is nice for a small town. Residents are given 10 large trash bags for leaves, grass and other small yard matter and can pile up larger pieces  (under 4 feet). When I suggested to Grenville that we might have stuff to put out after hedge and bush trimming, he said we would use the trimmings for compost. But, we decided to pick up the trash bags – just in case – enough said.
DSCF2404DSCF2349At noon, the yard cleanup pile looked like this.A crepe myrtle tree was growing in the hedges; we decided to take it out, including the stump. Now, the only thing we’ll have to cut here is grass.By 5 p.m., the pile looked like this.
DSCF2405This is the start of the newest wildflower garden in the front yard. We raked the chips  where a large tree was cut down last fall, then Grenville sprinkled wildflower seeds and recovered with the chips.
DSCF2407The birds should should enjoy the new bird bath and feeder that were filled and hung out this weekend. 
It’s was a busy planting weekend at The Frog & PenguINN and Grenville will have details in a later post.


possum said...

As my kids used to say, "Yo wackum!"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not only busy in the yard but busy in blog land. keep on keeping on.... in all of it

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You got that right, Possum, cause we surely did.

Sandra, yes this is a very busy time at the Frog & PenguINN. Thankfully, it's not too hot (yet) to be spending so much time outdoors.

Anonymous said...

I wish our town had a spring cleaning plan such as yours.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It is a nice feature offered here, Linda.