
Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Funnies

It’s the weekend, well almost, and here’s another photo post of everyday shots with short captions. Taking a camera everywhere is always a good thing as fellow photo fanatics know. Check out what  Sandra posted today on  MADSnapper.

New use for plastic . . .  wonder how it works in rain?

bubble car (2)bubble car (1)




Which way to go?

lots of lites (1)

Grenville and I wish everyone a great weekend . Best wishes to all Moms, Grandmoms, Aunts and everyone who deserves to be celebrated on Sunday.


Anvilcloud said...

I just looked at your sidebar. I see you are reading Hamish Macbeth. They're a little weird and not very well written IMO but kind of fun at the same time. You might enjoy Wine Country Mysteries (series) by Ellen Crosby set in Virginia near Washington. The book in front of me right now is The Bordeaux Betrayal.

Montanagirl said...

HaHa. That looks like a confusing conglomeration of traffic lights. Have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have taken many shots of traffic signals, but you when the prize for the most in one shot. tht is a LOT of signals. thanks for the shout. i take my slim trim coolpix in my pocket every time i leave, the slr camera is to big to tote and if i leave it in the heat from the hot FL sun it will destroy it.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Happy Mother's day weekend to you! blessings,Kathleen

L. D. said...

I remember when my hood of my taurus latch broke and I had to duct tape down the hood to be able to drive. It was my only car. I haven't ever had to do the plastic thing.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it wouldn´t be better without the plastic :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

AC, yes the Hamish Macbeth series are not great literature by any stretch, but they are quick reads and can be addictive. I've read at least 6-7 in the past few weeks, and while there are more I'm moving on. I'll check out the local library for Ellen Crosby. Trying a couple of Donna Leon mysteries this week.

Hi Mona, yes doesn't it - the lights were someplace in PA.

Thanks, Kathleen and the same to you.

Hi Larry, duct tape is a good thing with many uses, including unusual ones. Hope you were able to get a new latch, eventually.

Christer, no plastic would make for a very drafty ride, not to mention a wet one if it rained, but then the plastic doesn't look like it would protect well. Best to you too for the weekend.

Mister D said...

Ha would make a car wash interesting !

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Welcome Mr. D - thanks for the visit and indeed a car wash would be intereing outside and most likely inside too :-)

Elaine said...

Looks like those traffic lights would cause a bit of congestion while folks figured out which one they are actually supposed to follow. It's always good to have a camera with you because you just never know what might come along.

Lois Evensen said...

Happy Weekend and Happy Mothers Day to you, too! :))
