My favorite part of the Museum of American History was the Transportation section. Wonder why that was????

The next pics are for my mountain friend RonBear who loves old motorcycles.

Our next stop was the American Museum of Art. This stars off with Italian paintings from the 16-1700’s. I would post pictures here BUT these folks seem to have had a serious fixation female breasts and male genitalia. It got old fast. BUT i will say that the quality of the paintings was good and very defined. Then on to Spanish and French paintings (most all with cloths on), and that is where i lost it. The eyes were glazing over and the mind was shutting down. The only one i remember was the famous Napoleon portrait with his hand in his blouse. Do you think he was really holding his pants up???
So we traveled over to the “East Building” where the more modern works were. Best off there was a lot of three dimensional works which is what i like. To get there you ride a moving floor through a tunnel under the street.
The two most impressive pieces were:

I forgot to get the names of these pieces ( hey i am not an Art Major). The one on the left will make a really great lawn ornament. I’m just not sure whether it should go in the front or back yard. I’m sure that the neighbors will just love it. The one on the right will look nice as a mantle piece. I am thinking of doing both of them in Walnut.
After all of this culture we had both worked up a great hunger, but since DC prices are ridiculous we hopped back on the Metro and headed back and landed at Outback.
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