Here at The F&P we have a resident group of Glass Fairies who have

There’s also Stuff Fairies that are far less helpful and often make more work than not. The less said about this group, the better cause less stuff is what we are hoping to have.
BEST of all these groups are the Magic Fairies who come when least expected — and can return anytime.
HOW do we know?
A month ago, one of the back burners on our just over-a-year old gas stove wouldn’t light. When turned, the electronic igniter would emit a hissing sound indicating that gas was getting through, but no flame. Grenville went through all the manual’s troubleshooting steps (yes, we sometimes do that). Still, nothing worked, and as any service call these days entails a minimum fee, just to look at the problem, we were either not using that burner or Grenville would manually light it. We figured that sooner or later we’d get it repaired, but we still had 3 good working burners and only 2 in the household so there was no BIG rush.
Every so often, we would try lighting the burner; this weekend to our surprise it worked . . .
You may scoff and say there’s no such thing as fairies, but as for Grenville and I — we believe !
NOW, if we could only find those House Sale Fairies.
Wish i had one around here.
Patience, patience ... the house will sell at the VERY best time !
I thought I heard that the "House Sale Fairies" we're heading your way!!...:) JP
We could use a few of those fairies too!
Some of those magic fairies could find some things to fix around here! I hope you find a buyer for your home soon. I know how frustrating that is.
i do believe in these types of fairies and i also believe in computer fairies that make the computer do or stop doing in the middle of the night.
We used to blame it on the cats years back in CA when we had the furry critters. Now animalless, it is a "ghastly gostly" Have you tried St Christopher yet for the sale? Perhaps as spring rolls in interested buyers will appear.
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