
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bird Bath

One of the best things about looking out the F&P kitchen window is seeing entertainment provided by birds that regularly visit.

Today was NO exception.

This nuthatch always hangs around the back patio and, after the recent rains, was determined to go for a dunking. His chosen spot was the top of a container on the back patio.splish-splashA depression in the top always catches some rainwater — there’s been a lot of that lately. Then, it was drying off time on the nearby woodpile.

drying outTime for a final pose, before flying off

IMG_8846Maybe, he will return next weekend — the bath will still be here.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the shake it all off pose, with the fluffed feathers.

Anonymous said...

No water for the birds to take baths in here now but they do take snow baths all winter instead :-)

What a beautiful nuthatch.

Have a great day!

L. D. said...

Bathing au natural is the best for that little bird. Fun shots.

Connie said...

Sweet photos of this birdie's bath. That last one does look like he's posing just for you.

Anonymous said...

These are such sweet pictures. We are enjoying the birdsong each morning. Mostly chickadees.
Blessings to you this weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute photos. I love to watch birds bathing. They look like they are having so much fun.

Elaine said...

Cute! He looks to me to be a little offended when he realized there was someone watching his bath!

Montanagirl said...

He's really cute! Seemed to be enjoying that bath.

Montanagirl said...

P.S. Don't mean to question you, but is that really a Nuthatch? Somehow, it looks more like some kind of Wren. Just curious.

barbara l. hale said...

Oh, he's an adorable...and clean...little creature. Love these photos!

Rebecca said...

What a sweet little grumpy bird!

Linda said...

What a cute little bird!

possum said...

We have a couple Carolina Wrens here, too... noisy little buggers. They fuss and fuss when we go in and out - they get especially noisy when the cats so much as look in their general direction - yet they nesy ON the car port. Go figure!