
Monday, March 25, 2013

House Hunting ?

Checking out the soggy real estate . . .

house hunting (3)This robin looked a bit chilled . . .

IMG_9164Today was a dreary, rainy day on the VA eastern shore.



Karen Lakis said...

I love the look on that Robin's face! It's been pretty wet and cold and miserable, here, also. Here's hoping for some much nicer weather for both of us!

Montanagirl said...

We had a Robin stop by a few days ago. We still have snow on the ground, and it's only 27 degrees right now.

Connie said...

Great photo of that robin. He does look a little annoyed and like he's wondering where the sun is. We had snow again today, but I don't think it will stay around long.

Country Gal said...

I think the Robins here are regretting coming back so soon lol ! The snow that we have been getting has just been a dusting and melts shortly after but the winds still have that bite to them ! Nice photos ! Hoping spring will show up soon . Have a good day !

Elaine said...

That is one unhappy looking robin!

Out on the prairie said...

I saw huge flocks of robins yesterday, frustrated with the snow

barbara l. hale said...

The sun was out for about five minutes but now it is gone again. I don't mind the cold if there is sun. That poor robin does look a bit on the cold side. Haven't seen one up in these parts yet.

Debbie said...

so many robins this year, does not = spring.....

we had rain and snow yesterday, today's a lot better as the sun has made an appearence!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope spring brings a sale for your house, but you can always enjoy your birds while you wait

Doris said...

Yes it was a cold,wet day yesterday....a white one for us! But, today, there are blue skies, white puffy clouds and SUN!! Loving today =)

Eggs In My Pocket said...

The rain looks so inviting to us dry and parched Texans. Hope you will have bright and warm days ahead soon!