
Friday, March 4, 2011

What is This? #6 of 2011

The last challenge, a building what is this? was a change of pace. Now, it’s time to get back to the usual challenge of (sometimes) unusual things or objects.

Can you figure out what this is ?

SAM_1127Hints: this was something seen at an event that we recently attended. It’s a man-made item used to make (or repair) other items that come in very handy.

And, it has nothing to do with Grenville’s projects, planting or otherwise. In fact, it’s not even something either of us have used or know how to use.

Maybe this challenge will stump past “winners” Sandra, Rusty, Possum, Ginnie, Technogran.

Check back tomorrow for the answer.

PRIZES ? Glad you asked (or not) since Grenville mentioned needing help with spreading manure and moving some pavers.


Kjell T. Evensen said...

Is it something to make or repair a chair or other furniture? Such as webbing for a chair?

martymom said...

It is some kind of webbing to weave either chairs or baskets.

Anonymous said...

Doesn´t that string has a thin metal wire in it? I´ve seen it before but I really have no idea what it is :-)

Have a great day now!


Anvilcloud said...

Got me. Looks rope-ish but light, not strong.

possum said...

Hmmm, it looks like the stuff used to make my OLD foot stool and the seat on a very old straight back chair. Rush, I believe it what it is called...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks like what i call paper string, heavy duty.

Lois Evensen said...

Perhaps insulation for electrical wire?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks everyone...WOW, some of you folks are smoking hot! But, in all fairness to anyone else who may take a guess, the anwer won't be shown until later today.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There were 3 correct answers to this one - CONGRATS all. Next post has the results AND the answer.