
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Got Gas ?

No, not the type you get from indigestion, but what powers yourgot gas0310111 car.  We filled our 2 Jeeps earlier this week when the price here on the VA eastern shore was $3.39/gallon.

Bad enough then – but yesterday here’s what a local station posted – other nearby stations posted $3.44/gallon.

And, don’t you just love hate the 9/10th that gas stations always add at the end? It’s like saying something is priced 0.99 – and we all know that’s NO bargain.

HOW are gas prices in your part of the U.S./world?
Please leave feedback/comments for a follow-up post.


Ludwig said...

I filled up at 3.45 and 9/10 down here in the South. But at last there is a solution:

L. D. said...

I paid $3.38 today but I know it is temporary. We are going to cut down on any casual non necessary driving from here on out. Instead of paying gas prices to go to my folks house to get wood for my saw stand, I am using whatever I can find to build it with. I figure wood is wood and it doesn't have to look fancy, just work correctly.

Connie said...

I think it was $3.40 here the other day, but I haven't checked it in the last couple of days.

Christine said...

I paid $3.59 today at the Walmart in Panama City, Florida. It's totally outrageous!!!

possum said...

Just talked to my aunt in PA... Ga$ i$ $3.59 at my place in the Pocono$. BUT, it is $4.79 in Hawaii.

Lois Evensen said...

We filled up yesterday for $3.41/gal in Cincinnati. Just to make everyone feel better (?) the gas price in My Honey's home town in Norway is $9.57/gal today.

Drill, Baby, Drill! Don't even get me started....

Anonymous said...

I paid $3.59/gallon this morning in Warren, PA.

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice.. Aver. 3.49 in lewiston me.
on Tues.
Thought about a horse and buggy but it is $4.00 for a bale of hay...: }}

Anvilcloud said...

We're paying about $1 more per gallon than you up here.

Far Side of Fifty said...

3.49 here in Minnesota...did you all know that they are drilling like crazy in North Dakota as we speak..and probably smiling all the way to the bank:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are at 3.50 the signs SAYS 3.49 but we know about the 9/10's which makes no sense to me. we always round it up and say it like it is. where will it end

Anonymous said...

I really don´t want to tell You all that the price on gas in the US is ridicules low :-) Over here we pay 8,03 US dollars per gallon! (One liter costs 14 swedish kronor and 1 dollar cost 6,6 kronor, so 1 liter cost 2,12 US dollars.1US gallon is 3,785 liters) The price is much the same all over Europe too.

Have a great day now!

Anonymous said...

After that last comment we should not complain as loudly over $3.50/gal, but a quiet low grumble is still acceptable. What we can complain loudly about is why vehicles are not getting 50 mpg! The technology is available.
I know there is a law about prices increasing only once in 24 hours, but that does not mean they MUST increase every day.

Grumpy because I just had to fill the house fuel tank, If spring would get here I could turn the heat off.

Theotherjew said...

Gas is about $3.40-$3.50 here. Just stop driving cars. Ann and I are car pooling to work. Wish we still had a 40mpg car. Anyone know of a good 1994 Sentra for sale?

martymom said...

You know what the gas prices are in my neck of the woods, as you are in the same neck of the woods. Had a great evening. Enjoyed your's and Grenville's company tonight.