
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Indian Winter???????

Now everyone has heard of Indian Summer. That wonderful return of summer no matter how brief. But Indian Winter?????? We checked the official records at the Onley National Weather Bureau for March 1 2011 at 12:01AM and March officially came in at 49.8F. So maybe it didn’t come in like a Lion but it was no Lamb. Possibly a Jackalope at best. By the end of the day though it was 27.8F and that is how our March has been. Up to 78 and down to 25. BUT we are ending our ficklest month in a Winter Wonderland.flamingo

We awoke this morning to SNOW. AND after checking our pluses and taking our blood pressures having coffee, we looked out again and it was still SNOWING!!

We’re worried that if “March comes in and out like a Jackalope” what this will do to the long held  theory that April Showers bring May Flowers…. While Beatrice was out documenting this outrageous occurrence i started checking some of these giant snow flakes closely. Amazingly one said “Made in Lisbon Me.” We were astonished…. We are not sure of this BUT we think someone may have put the “Grammie Whammy” on us. Another said  “Fabricated in Fairbanks”hammock snow (2). Many were shaped like a Maple Leaves. And we are not sure but one said “Produkt i Sverige”. And then there is the ”Sacrilege of the Hammock”.

patio tree garden snow (1) My big worry is those beautiful Peach Blossoms. Will they hang in there for a day or so.

let it snow greenhouse Beatrice seems to think it may be that we left the ‘Let it Snow” banner up a little too long. No matter though, by this evening it will be mostly melted and help increase the amount of MUD we have. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday, snow or not.


Diana said...

I was surprized too!! I kept thinking should I sprint out there in my fuzzy bathrobe and pick the daffodils???take care,Diana

Unknown said...

I want a Flamingo in my front yard but my wife will not allow it. Maybe I'll sneak off and buy several and put them out when she's not looking. LOL......

Anvilcloud said...

Pluses and blood pressure? :)

Sorry. Can't help but chuckle over some typos.

Bernie said...

I would do a happy dance if our snow would be melted by this evening.....we are covered and it is still coming down.....:-)Hugs

PS: Just popped over from AC's blog, nice to meet you...

Connie said...

For once, we have no snow, and I'm quite pleased about that. Hope yours melts quickly and the peach blossoms hang in there for you. Happy Sunday to you. :)

Anonymous said...

It´s snowing like crazy here too and I´m so sorry that some of it flew over to You :-) :-) :-)

I think that as long as the temperature doesn´t fall beneath 33F Your peach blossoms will make it.

Have a great day now!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my, i am smiling at all this, but all i can think of is tomorrow you can have a Mudday instead of Monday... hope spring comes fro real and stops her silly antics with you

Lois Evensen said...

Snow was here last night and this morning, but it is just a memory now. :)

grammie g said...

Hey was getting on my nerves you and all that manure slinging,tilling and all that there bragging so darn it all I did stamp some snow and sent it you is colder than blazes here and wicked windy, but the sun is shining!!
It was actually that stupid Pink Flamingo that really set me off!! hahaha!!
Awful sorry about you peach tree though..sure hope its ok, and the pine ooop's!!!

Anonymous said...

It has been cold but dry here in NW Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

Surprised us too Diana. Ours just appeared one day Snapper. It took a year before we found the culprit. Good eye AC. My plus was 72 this morning. Hi Bernie and welcome to the F&P. Ours stopped aroung noon and was melted by 2. Glad you are snow free Daisy. Thanks Christer for the info on the blossoms. Now i can just hope. Thanks Sandra and Lois. This should be our last week of chilly weather. Be careful Grammie, there could be a Pink Flamingo in your future. Glad you missed the snow Linda. You guys get enough of it.

Elaine said...

Well, all I can say is that looks more like a dusting of powdered sugar than snow. No self-respecting snowfall in Fairbanks would be that whimpy, so sorry, you didn't see any labeled Fabricated in Fairbanks. We did get a couple of inches of new snow here Sunday night and it will not be gone by 2:00, but ho hum, this is March. I will think positive thoughts about your peach blossoms.

Anonymous said...

Your right Elaine. It was pretty whimpy. Hpefully they will be able to open schools by Wednesday (not). :-)