
Friday, March 25, 2011

Apple Blossom Time

That’s what we have here at the F&P. Even though it didn’t get over 50F today and was breezy and raw.100_0435 What a perfect day for manure spreading. I know, some of you will be really disappointed that you have missed the big Annual Manure Toss but never fear there will be another next year. The two mainmanure spread0325 (5) plots we are using this year got 680 lbs of wonderful Bovine Gold. Then came the hard  part, turning it all under. Well maybe not so hard since JD did most of the work, i just steered.
BUT WAIT!!!!!! Didn’t i mention Apple Blossoms?????? Why yes i did. AND we have blossoms starting on all three apple trees and all three peach trees. apple collage0325Yes even the new ones. From the look of the older peach as long as we don’t have a hard rain that knocks the blossoms off we will have a great harvest. I can smell the fresh Peach Pie now. Wonder if there are any left in the freezer??????
peach collage0325All the photo kudos go to Beatrice. By the time i realized that i had forgotten my camera (Again, as always) the Bovine Gold had been spread, both plots had been turned twice and i was heading back to the barn. With all of the rain we have had over the last few weeks the soil was just barely workable. I had about a 2 inch thick coating of mud on the bottom of my boots, so there was no way i was going in to get my camera.

Just to make things interesting, they are predicting possible SNOW for Sunday. Don’t they know this is the “Sunny South”?


Lois Evensen said...

Congratulations on getting all that sh..., uh, manure spread around where you want it. As long as it's where you want it and not on the fan, this is a good thing. :)

Nice pictures Beatrice. :))


martymom said...

Good job with the plots. I am very happy not to be near enough to enjoy that rich frangrance. I see Beatrice came to your rescue once again with the beautiful blossoms, etc.

grammie g said...

Hi Grenville ..."Now" do you think I really would be laughing because you poor manure spreading fool was going to get some of the "WHITE Stuff"
""You Betcha""!!hahaha!
Beatrice great job with the photos of the beautiful blossom!! Take care being around where that manure slinger is at !!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry i mised that manue toss, maybe next time. once we TOSSED manure around our hisbicus bushes. guess what Max did? he rolled in it, we never used it again. had to fine something less sweet smelling. he also rolled in melorganite. oh well

Anonymous said...

It just would have been to stressful to get back in time to work on Monday, so I had to skip the manure spreading this year :-) :-) :-)

The cow-dung we can buy here is useless as manure, but it is a really perfect soil to grow tomato´s in. I don´t know why they are allowed to call it manure at all.

I doubt we will have apple blossoms here until middle or late April and my nectarine froze to death last winter so no such flowers either.

Have a great day now!

Anvilcloud said...

Nothing like those blossoms.

Anonymous said...

Good morning kids'
Don't worry Lois, i turned all the fans off before tossing. Of course Beatrice did the photos Marty, who else. Grammie, can we borrow some snow shoes for Sunday???? I could really take the thought of Max And The Manure to the outter limits Sandra but i won't for the minute. BUT he may show up in my Writing Class. It's OK Christer, you are always welcome to stop in and help. Sorry to hear about your Necturine. A friend in Florida has me jealous since he grows Oranges. You're right Anvil, nothing like Apple Blossom Time. Maybe that will scare off the predicted snow.

Out on the prairie said...

A well groomed patch. I had a neighbor, Henry Wallace, who was known for his agricultural feats, among them wonderful flowers.He used sheep manure and I would go help turn it each year.It went from bin to bin for 3 years. The packaged stuff is easier, but I have never seen dahlias like he grew.

Montanagirl said...

Your blossoms are beautiful. We're still locked into winter here. 20 above today with a fierce east wind again. No blossoms in sight except for what my bloggie friends are posting!

Connie said...

I love the peach blossoms--so pretty! Fresh peaches are one of my favorite things to eat. We're at 29 degrees here right now in Ohio, but the sun is shining at least. :)

Anonymous said...

Fresh apples and peaches in your own yard ... how nice!

Elaine said...

Glad you had JD to help on the manure spreading--no one else seemed to be too enthused. Now, when it comes time to help eat that peach pie I think you'll get more takers.

Unknown said...

such beautiful blossoms, ah yes the smell of manure such a wonderful treat for the soil, sorry I missed it. take care, Diana

Scott Law said...

Love those beautiful pink blossoms.

HermitJim said...

I love the thought of some fresh peaches right off the tree! One of my favorite memories from long ago!

Looking good around your home place!