
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sun and Lunch at CNWR

Today, we took a ride to Chincoteague NWR where Grenville attended a lecture as part of advanced training for the Master Naturalists group of which he’s a member. It was too nice a day to be indoors, so while he was indoors at the lecture, I went for a walk on part of the refuge.

Along the way, I found lots of turtles enjoying the sun.

tutles collage031911A couple of great blue heron were also spotted; one was having a bad feather day by the water.

heron collageLater when we drove through the wildlife loop, which is open to vehicular traffic after 3 pm, we found this group having lunch.

deer collage2 031911The herd of 6 white-tailed deer were oblivious to being watched.

deer collage1 031911After a few minutes, the group moved on, leaving this parting shot.

deerCNWR0319 (20)Hope you enjoyed the outdoors this weekend!


Lois Evensen said...

What a fun day of nature shots. The last one is a fitting closing shot. ;)

Anvilcloud said...

Neat to see all of the turtles, especially.

Christine said...

Cute little butt shot of the deer herd! Sounds like a great place to do some wildlife watching.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that tail shot. what a wonderful way to spend a day.

Anonymous said...

Great photographs!
We do find turtles here too now days even if we shouldn´t. People have them as pets and buys them as tiny little ones. They never seems to understand that they do grow up!
So they throw them out in to our lakes and they can survive here most winters but not become any more, the winter is too long here for those eggs and Young ones.

Have a great day now!

Montanagirl said...

What a fun outing, and nice photographic memories!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Lois, AC, Christine (Mama-Bug), AC, Christer, and Mona. Chincoteague NWE is a great place for wildlife of all sorts and usually we see many great egrets, snowy egrets, and great blue and blue heros. This visit the shoreirds were scarce, but seeing the turtles and deer was a treat so never a disappointment.

Connie said...

Great pictures! Looks like a nice way to spend a sunny day. The heron with the bad feather day made me laugh. :D

possum said...

Actually, your heron was having a breeding plumage day... so maybe it wasn't such a bad feather day after all! AH, yes, it is nesting time again.

CherShots said...

Being a nature lover myself, I truly love your pictures. Crazy about blue herons. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I truly appreciate the visits and comments.
'hugs from afar'

grammie g said...

HI you got some good ones here!!
What a nice day !!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Daisy and Grammie G. glad you enjoyed these.
Hey POSSUM, WHY didn't I think of that? Thanks. I should have figured as much after watching the cardinals and robins around our yard - mating season for sure!
Welcome CHERSHOTS, thanks for the visit to our blog too. Nature shots are about my favorite, all types. Please feel free to drop in again and I will do the same!

Elaine said...

You had a beautiful day and got some wonderful shots! Your turtles do look a bit warmer than my ice turtles.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes they certainly were, ELAINE, and so were we!