
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three’s Company

Threesome seen at the feeders late this afternoon, white-throated sparrow, male cardinal, junco.

card-sprw-junco031511cardinalM 031511 (6)sparrow-junco 031511


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of the birds!

grammie g said...

HI Beatrice...nice colorful bird community photos, of who came for lunch and stayed!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, colorful company Beatrice.

Montanagirl said...

Perfect! That male Cardinal really brightens things up.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

How I wish we had colorful birds like that here..
When we see one with any color at gets our full attention! Beautiful! Just beautiful!!
Mona :)

Elaine said...

Nice threesome! The Cardinal looks a little annoyed that the other two are there, but he's the one who took off in the last photo.

Connie said...

I love the bright red of the cardinal. Great pictures, Beatrice! :)

Ruth said...

That first picture is just perfect!

Anvilcloud said...

You need to identify which are which: Janet, Jack, Chrissy. (Hope I remembered rightly.)

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Beautiful photo! Blessings,Kathleen

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to bad us humans can't get along like the wildlife. adorable all three of them, great shot

Lois Evensen said...

Very nice. I'm sure the birds sent each other emails "Let's meet for brunch over at F&P where the food is so good."

Out on the prairie said...

nice sparrow, I have only seen a few

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs!

Have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Folks, glad you enjoyed this post. Now that the weather is getting warmer I usually sit outside for a half hour each afternoon bird-watching. I fill the flat feeders with enough seed to attract the welcome visitors and have to scare away the VERY unwelcome ones.
The first shot was a lucky one because the junco is always flighty and does not stay around too long. Cardinals seem to tolerate other birds like the sparrows, juncos and finches sharing the feeder with them. However, it seems cardinals DO NOT share with other cardinals; when one comes to the feeder (male or female) any other cardinal there takes off.

AC, if your reference is to the old TV show, Three's Company, then the cardinal is definitely Jack!
MONA, wish I could share the cardinal, but I like them too - it's the VA state bird.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of the birds feeding.