
Sunday, January 9, 2011


Ever have one of those days?

That was mine yesterday – I went to get a measuring cup from the cabinet above the stove, but it slipped and fell. This taught me 3 things: glass measuring cups do not bounce on a stone floor and that no amount of glue could repair this cup.

0111 shattered (1)

And the 3rd thing learned was to reorganize the cabinets so the measuring cups are easier (and lower) to reach.

Now, if only Grenville can find them when he needs one. (Yes, I did tell him they were moved.)


Anvilcloud said...

You don't tell a man; you show him -- as often as you need to. :)

Montanagirl said...

Actually, I've had several of those days - lol! Missed the counter with a cup of coffee in the bathroom not too long ago - smashed the cup, coffee literally painted the bathroom wall(s). I'll be more careful next time!

Unknown said...

ahhh the adjustments we go through in our experiences....lately I am wondering if it's a good idea to have our microwave mounted over the stove...what if I spill hot water when I'm boiling it for my tea? These days happen at the darndest times...

Elaine said...

I have days like this all the time, but the last broken dish was Marty dropping it instead of me. With tile floors it makes a really nice mess. As to moving things in the kitchen, I hear complaints about it forever. I don't rearrange things too often, but occassionally you have to refine your work area.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

That is scary, it could have hit you in the head. I have had your days and know what you are going through. Hang in there, they say it comes in 3's. Has it been 3 yet?

Anonymous said...

I hate days like that :-) I have almost no coffee mugs left.

Today I couldn´t even get to work because of icy roads :-)

Have a great day now!

Carole Barkett said...

I didn't know these things broke they are so strong but I guess it's no match for a stone floor :O(

possum said...

This is why I have so many things made of plastic... and seldom use the glass ones - or porcelain. On the other hand, I DO use my absolute best dishes for lunch and dinner... and I don't care if they break. No one to inherit them who will cherish them as I do, so why let them sit in the china cabinet?

Unknown said...

actually, I seem to even break plastic cups and the cat usually leaves the kitchen when I wash dishes.. hang in there.. tomorrow will be better. Diana

Anonymous said...

In an earthquake area, all glass goes in the bottoms

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi everyone and thanks for not only your comments but telling of similar instances happening to you.

AC, not only told Grenville but showed him too and he likes the relocattion.
Mona, luckily the cup was empty when it fell!
Pat, yes they DO happened when least expected and be careful with that hot water.
Elaine, it really made a mess with tiny glass shatters everywhere so vacuumed twice. The rearrangement is actually working out better for both Grenville and myself - yeah!
Simple Southern Happiness, guess we've all had days like this and the 2nd thing that happened was that a piece of the ceramic doorknob on the cabinet below broke off. Luckily, I was able to find a large enough piece (in the vacuum bag no less) and was able to glue it back in place.
Christer, should we send you a coffee mug? The roads were a bit icy here this a.m. but rain and warmer temps are expected by mid-morning. Hope you had a good day off.
Possum, plastic is nice for some things and a favorite larger measuring cup is rubber (will never break) but the smaller glass Pyrex ones come in so handy and luckily we have a couple more. BTW if Grenville and I promise not to break any of your best dishes, can we come for lunch or dinner?
Diana, thankfully this was the first breakage of any sort in a long time and hopefully the last for awhile longer.
Anonymous, hmmm not sure if I would want to test that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds like my friend Murphy came to visit, he comes here often. I did buy a couple of plastic measuring cups, kept one glass. i lost my most favorite coffee cup of 10 years on our tile floor a few months ago, now i have a new favorite but it still is not the same. took a month to get used to the feel of it on my lips. ha ha. thanks for stopping by. i looked at many of your post, and we appear to have similar tastes. i will be back.

George said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has days like that. I'm glad you could rearrange things to alleviate the problem. When I try rearranging things new problems seem to emerge.
Thanks for visiting my site.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Sandra and George, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I will be visiting your blags again too as I am also a photographer as you may have seen :-)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I have those days fairly often. I broke three of my favorite, very old ornaments this year.
One was a delicate tiny teapot that was my very first ornament. My mother gave it to me before she died...and it fell and broke. I cried...I wish now that I had put the pieces into a box and saved it..but I didn't. It had tiny
you have a great idea about Christmas decor. I got mine down a bit this year...
But..then I went and bought more garage sales..but still I bought MORE! :(

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Mona, welcome back again. So sorry to hear about your treasured teapot ornament. Thankfully I managed not to lose any ornaments in the put up and take down. We have a few glass ones and those always get wrapped in tissue paper. This year, I tried to keep all the breakables together in separate containers. I used small tins bought from thrift stores and tried to group the penguins, frogs and teddy bears, santas and snowmen which are the bulk of our ornaments. We managed to part with a few which went to the local thrift store. I just looked at your recent blog post about the yard sale finds - what bargains you got with the ornaments (and other stuff)... those yard sales are such fun but can really add to your stuff quickly. I enjoy finding books and then sending them as gifts for no reason to friends to enjoy. Fun for all!

Desiree said...

Hi, Beatrice :) - here I am, returning your visit, for which, THANK YOU kindly!

Oh, don't we all know those days - most often when one is at ones busiest, rushed for time and then still have to deal with the mess (breakages, spillages etc.) we've just caused!

Each one does serve to teach us a lesson though - slow down, stop to think, focus fully on the task at hand & my Father's all-time favourite...ANTICIPATE!!! so we do get a tad wiser each time I guess ;)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, Desiree that rushing is what caused this breakage as I was trying to set everything out before it was needed and running short on time. That's the reason for rearranging the measuring cups - easier to reach and less chance of a fall. It taught me a lesson that's for sure! Thanks for the visit and comments.