
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Signs of Spring

DSCF5664In our younger days (which were only a year or two ago, right?) the first day of spring was celebrated on March 21. Now, astronomers and calendar manufacturers say that the spring season started today, March 20, in all time zones in North America. So, belated Happy Spring

Spring’s arrival is old news to the trees and flowers around the Frog & PenguINN. Most started blooming a week or more ago.

trees blooming0311

Spring comes in between the 19th to the 23rd of March and at different times. It changes on a yearly basis because the first official day of spring is the (Spring) Vernal Equinox. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. It rises due East and sets due West and  not on the exact same day every year. WHY? Because the calendar is not exactly 365 exact days every single year.

It’s confusing to me (and maybe to you?) how the first day of spring can be changeable. In doing some online research, I learned that seasonal dates can vary since a year is not an even number of days and neither are the seasons. And, that the earth’s elliptical orbit is changing its orientation (skew), causing the earth’s axis to constantly point in a different direction, called precession (think of a gyroscope rotating). Since seasons are defined as beginning at strict 90-degree intervals, these positional changes affect the time the earth reaches each 90-degree location in its orbit around the sun.

That being said, it is certainly looking like spring around here. Crocus and daffodils are popping up.

crocus0311 (1)P1050013

daffodils collage032011Forsythia are in blooming . . .

forsythia collage032011Robins are calling for mates  . . .

robins collage0311robin 031911 (3)robin 031911 (8)

robin collage

Happy Spring – whenever and wherever it arrives!


Anonymous said...

Happy Spring to you too! It was such a gorgeous day today. We decided to go for a Sunday drive. I saw lots of blue skies; temperature warmed up nicely. I didn't see any blossoming trees or flowers yet. What wonderful photographs you shared in your collages!

Lois Evensen said...

What a beautiful Spring post! I just love your birds and flowers.... There is just happiness in the air with the arrival of Spring.

In answer to your comment about bread on my blog, I just wish I COULD keep my bread fresh long enough to take/bring/send it anywhere else! Without preservatives, it is fresh the first day and kinda fresh the second day. Of course, that is exactly what makes it so good.

Keep those pretty pictures coming! I just love the daffs - I used to have lots of different varieties, too. I loved the fragrant ones.

Cher' Shots said...

Thanks for sharing what spring is supposed to look like. It sure beats the 5 inches of snow we had this morning then thunder and lightening this evening. Crazy!
'hugs from afar'

Unknown said...

Spring is spreading everywhere.
Enjoy it Beatrice.
Great flower photographs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love yellow flowers, these are all beautiful, but the best of all is the Robin collage. we don't have them here so they fascinate me. great shots

possum said...

While raking up last years leaves on Sat. I noticed the peonies have pushed thru the ground! Spring indeed! And there are tiny purple dots on the redbud!

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely shots to share, your yard looks nice

Anvilcloud said...

I love crocuses, especially, and will look forward to them popping up around here. We're not there yet, though.

Connie said...

Wonderful collages, Beatrice! We are supposed to warm up to 60 degrees today--Hurray! Happy Spring to you! :)

Anonymous said...

We really celebrates Spring the 30th of April up here. Usually spring has sprung much earlier to be honest. We have huge bonfires that day and choirs are singing the praise of spring, even if it does happen that snow falls :-) :-) :-)

Have a great Vårdagjämning (as we call it here)!


Montanagirl said...

Beautiful photos. We are expecting another snowstorm here - no spring in sight yet.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi folks, we were really glad to see all this color in the yard - too bad spring has not yet come for some of you.

LINDA, hope you got some good shots on your Sunday drive, even if nothing was blooming.
LOIS, thanks for the reply about the bread. Since it won't keep long without preservatives, it's a great reason to keep baking fresh and Grenville really likes that idea! We have the fragrant daffodils in our yard - all are volunteers and I picked a few to bring spring indoors today cause it rained here.
CHER, and MONA you can keep the snow in Michigan and Montana, cause as much as Grenville and I like it, planting season is nearly here.
Thanks COSTAS and SANDRA, but why are there no robins in Florida - too hot for them?
POSSUM, your posted spring photos looked great too!
Thanks, STEVE, the yard has lots of yellow now, plus a colorful lawn from purple dead nettle and birdseye speedwell.
AC, you will get there soon enough; we have no crocus in our yard, these were at the office of our accountant and the bright spot in picking up our tax return!
DAISY, a heat wave is coming your way!
CHRISTER, last week it looked like spring was near for you, then I read about and saw the latest snowfall...maybe by next month!

Ruth said...

Your pictures make me want to book a room at your place! Right now!!

Elaine said...

Spring never comes here on the "first day of spring" but rather waits until early May. In between we have Breakup to get through. We have actually had temps just above freezing the last couple of days, so a little melting has started. I'll just enjoy your spring vicariously for now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi RUTH, please do let us know when you are coming and Grenville can make more bread!
ELAINE, you are welcome to our spring, anytime!