
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Supreme Burger

As posted recently, I spent the very small sum of $1 for this Betty Crocker Good and Easy Cookbook at the library sale table. then posted about Betty Crocker.

It's HOT now and outdoor grilling is best. Checking the book's Grilling section I found a new (to me) burger recipe. The ingredients had an item I'd never used in burgers, but the recipe was easy, all ingredients were on hand, so it was worth a try.

Supreme Hamburger
  • 2 lbs. chopped meat
  • 1 package onion soup mix
  • 1/2 C bread crumbs
  • 1 C sour cream
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 1 TBSP Worcestershire Sauce (my addition)
Mix all ingredients together and shape into 6 to 8 hamburgers, depending on your size preference. of course, if you like REALLY large burgers, you can make fewer. Grill and enjoy.

WHO knew that sour cream would be great in burgers? These were very moist (trust me). Grenville called this recipe “a keeper” which is high praise for a first-time recipe. I know we'll try more “quick and easy” recipes too; here's some listed on the back cover. Looks like this summertime weather is gonna stick around awhile.


Montanagirl said...

Have never heard of using sour cream! But then, we don't grill. My husband nor I have ever gotten into it. But we love it when someone else does the grilling! lol

Connie said...

Sounds good! We grill occasionally but not often.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first husband used to make these, not with sour cream though, he was a cook in the air force and learned to make burgers this way. when he grilled, he had to make half without anything but burger and half this way. he and my younger son loved them, so did my parents, my older son and myself like our burger plain with salt and pepper.... i bet the same recipe would make a good meat loaf,

Lois Evensen said...

That's right up there with how we make burgers, too. Love 'em!

Out on the prairie said...

I would add jalepeno and bacon

HermitJim said...

Makes my mouth water just reading the recipe!

Gonna have to try this one!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Now that sounds very good...never thought about using sour cream!

DeniseinVA said...

This looks delicious. I'll have to try this one. Exciting to hear that you are going to be on vacation soon. I can also highly recommend Niagara-on-the-Lake. It's a lovely little town.
An English Girl Rambles

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I have used that recipe before and it's just delicious! I haven't used it in a long time but you have inspired me to do it again!
Hugs to you both,

Elaine said...

You can't beat Betty Crocker for good basic cooking. I got my first Betty Crocker cookbook back in 1963 when I first got married. I wore it out and bought a second one, but some of the recipes from the earlier book were left out, so those were clipped out and kept. Amazing how recipes and cookbooks and eating habits have changed over 50 years.

The use of sour cream in this recipe isn't too much different than using egg and a bit of milk that a lot of meatloaf recipes call for. We do a lot of grilling, so looks worth a try.

Rebecca said...

Sounds good. I'll have to try it!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Sounds good! I'll try that recipe next time we grill burgers.