
Monday, July 8, 2013

Road Travellers More or Less

Weekend travel along US Route 13 shows some interesting sights in the way folks travel to and from vacation trips. On Friday, folks are usually headed south to beach areas; then on Sunday those travelling north usually are heading home.

Many travel with several bikes, one for each family member.
Others with lots of beach chairs.
Some travel lightly.
Still others bring several modes of transport, including lodgings.
There are those who just hang out and enjoy the ride.
We usually take one of our Jeeps loaded with luggage and "stuff" to be delivered to family members along the route from produce to furniture and tools.

How do YOU travel on a road trip?


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We always travel with too much stuff-I guess we like to be over-prepared!

Anvilcloud said...

We are never able to travel lightly. Our one vehicle is always filled to capacity.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we don't travel, but if we did, it would be the RV pulling a little car.. on the rare trips to GA we take only clothes for 3 days

Anonymous said...

The few times I do I just pack lightly because all dogs must fit in to the car as well :-)It's only a tiny Mazda 323f.

Have a great day!

Triumph said...

Driving an Austin-Healey on a two-week vacation from Oregon to Colorado teaches how to pack light. But not as light as a friend who just returned from a month-long circuit of the U.S. on his Harley.

Out on the prairie said...

My van always is packed with fishing,camping and golf gear.I am always ready

barbara l. hale said...

I love road trips and usually overpack. The good thing is that I can take things along "just in case." Never the case when you have to fly.

Rebecca said...

I spent my whole childhood camping. Now I want to stay in a nice hotel and eat food someone else cooked.

Montanagirl said...

We sometimes go in our car ('94 Cadillac) which we're about to trade off and upgrade. But it was my Mom's car, and she so loved it. Sometimes, like this last May, we went in our pickup as we were delivering four toy boxes to the grandkids. My husband built the toy boxes and they are beautiful.

Elaine said...

We love doing road trips, as you know. What we take depends on whether there's an airplane flight before the road trip, of if it's a short one within Alaska, or a longer one down the Alcan. I do like having a comfortable hotel room at the end of the day, but sometimes the only criteria is a warm bed. Depends on just where you are.....

Connie said...

You catch some interesting sites along the way when you travel. This post made me smile. :)

Unknown said...

Well you know we travel in our house on wheels, motor coach with toad (tow car) and all amenities included. Means I do not get stiff sitting in the vehicle as I am up and down.