
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grenville's Garden Grows

This year's Frog & PenguINN vegetable garden is very small, yet it's just enough for us and sometimes even produces too much at one time.

Right now we have 3 freshly picked eggplant that will be enjoyed later this week. We cooked one last week when Grenville made a wonderful eggplant parmesan. We've had a few cukes and peppers, but are still waiting on the first ripe 'mater of the season. Grenville has been walking around with a salt shaker in his pocket, so it should be very soon.

Can you tell what plants go with each of these leaves?

There's no prize, just the satisfaction of knowing you were right. Isn't that enough ?

(OK, if you really need a prize, we'll share a 'mater, but first you have to get it away from Grenville.)


Lois Evensen said...

Wow, all your veggies look so yummy!

Anvilcloud said...

I cringe at the prospect that you might see my garden -- at least the unkempt backyard.

Karen Lakis said...

There is nothing better than veggies straight from the garden! Grenville is doing so well with his garden! I recognize a basil leaf, but that's about all I know... I hope the first tomato ripens soon!

Rebecca said...

What a super garden! I wish ours looked like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the egg plant is gorgeous.. and i bet it is hard to grow veggies for just two, almost impossible... even with mother canning, there was always and over abundance and there were four of us

Anonymous said...

Wonderful looking garden. You know, I've never grown egg plant.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Your garden looks great! Mine is getting ragged looking.

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks fine!

My guess about those leafs are from left to right top and then the same bottom: Tomato, no idea, pepper, basil and okra?

Have a great day!

Doris said...

Garden looks wonderful! No maters here yet either. As for the tell me what they are and I will be sure to say, That's it!! (in other words, I'm not a good guesser!)

Debbie said...

yummy, show us what they become!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I just asked the Pres when our first would be ready too!!!...:)JP

Connie said...

The garden is looking great!

Wiesław Zięba said...

I think I recognized the tomato and basil.