
Friday, July 19, 2013

Look Who's 2

A very special child in our lives is celebrating TODAY — Granddaughter is 2 years old !

It seems like only yesterday that she entered our lives and we first saw her as a tiny 2-week old infant whose favorite activity at that age was napping.

In the months that followed, it became clear that this little girl most definitely would be a very vocal and expressive child. Her favorite activities included "hamming" it up whenever the camera was aimed in her direction.

Through family road trip visits we watched her grow. Last July we were there as she marked a milestone — birthday #1.

We're on the road to celebrate this next in a long line of birthdays to come.
Can you tell we remain smitten with this child?


Anvilcloud said...

I can't abide people posting pics of their grandchildren. Not. :)

Country Gal said...

Happy Birthday pretty little lady ! Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing ! Have a great day !

Arija said...

Keep it up. There is no better time in life than when you are grandparents!

MadSnapper said...

of course you are smitten, she is so beautiful and i can't believe she is already two

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos! Happy Birthday Elle! I can understand why you are smitten, she is adorable!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

To see the transformation is awesome, she is growing so fast! Slow her down!

I hope she has a wonderful birthday celebration and I pray you all have a safe trip home.

Lois Evensen said...

What a sweetheart! :))))) Happy Birthday!

Triumph said...

Ooooh! Aaaaah! (Repeat) (Repeat again) (One more time)

The Odd Essay said...

Happy Birthday you lovely little darling! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of you.

Debbie said...

awwww just TOO cute for words!!


have a happy weekend!!

Montanagirl said...

She's adorable! Happy Birhtday to her!!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Happy Birthday to Ellie! She is so adorable!

Ginnie said...

Yes, she looks like she has the world all figured out !!
BTW, have you had any interested buyers for your house?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful birthday girl.

Elaine said...

Lovely collection of photos of adorable little Ellie! It is amazing how quickly they grow. Sometimes I just want to drag my feet and make things slow down just a bit.....

Rebecca said...

Those eyes! What a cute kid!

Connie said...

I hope her birthday was a special one. She is absolutely adorable!

Doris said...

She is absolutely adorable!! Love her curls!

Unknown said...

How darling, the curls ala Shirley Temple for sure. Good for you to be able to be with her.

Cicero Sings said...

A real cutie that one. Nice to see the progression of pics marking the march of time.