
Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Funnies

Maybe you’ve heard of the 1943 book by Betty Smith, later made into a 1945 film, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Maybe so, but in Tabor, NJ, there’s a tree that 's been growing through a porch.

tree on porchcloseup tree on porch

tree in TaborThe homeowners periodically enlarge the hole to accommodate the tree’s expanding girth. They must have the shadiest porch in town.


DeniseinVA said...

What a great sight! Fun post too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love it, the house is just beautiful and never seen anything like this.

Out on the prairie said...

Really extroidinary shot to find.

Anonymous said...


I've heard about a house here in Sweden that actually have a tree growing in the middle of it :-) I have no idea how they solved the weather and climate problems though :-)

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I have seen old taverns in the west with trees in the midst of porches and in MI last year, the Leggs Inn has a tree in its midst. I wondered about enlarging the opening as the tree grows. Neat photos. We are home for this month.

Country Gal said...

Now that's the way to go for shade lol ! In the tropics this is done all over with some resorts and personal homes ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Connie said...

Oh my goodness! How bizarre!

Have a good weekend! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a great find! That's a riot. I hope the trees never topple over in a storm!

NCmountainwoman said...

Interesting but a little bit scary as well. BTW: My favorite childhood book was "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I still read it every now and then.

Anvilcloud said...

I admire their commitment, but it may be a little misplaced.

Debbie said...

so beautiful but i would think it would be a little risky!!

i guess super storm sandy was easy on them!!

cute house!!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I wonder what its doing to the foundation being so close to the house?

Rebecca said...

I hope a big wind doesn't blow that tree down!

Montanagirl said...

Oh my that's just amazing! Kudos to them for not cutting down that wonderful tree!

Lois Evensen said...

How very cool! If they ever wanted to sell, though, it sure would be interesting to see what the real estate listing would say. "Porch complete with two trees...."

Elaine said...

That gives a whole new meaning to the term "tree hugger"!

Ginnie said...

That's pretty amazing. I am reminded of when my husband helped a client with a Christmas tree that looked like it went through the porch roof...actually they measured from floor to roof, then cut the tree to that height and then added the top of the tree that they'd cut off to the outside roof above the tree. It was so effective it nearly caused a few auto accidents as people gawked at it !

possum said...

Doesn't look like a lot of wiggle room in a high wind.
Beautiful house, tho.