
Sunday, April 3, 2011

U Tell Me

As you may have noticed in reading recent posts here and here, Clouds have lately become a bit of a photo obsession (OK, one of my many). Obsessions ever happen to you?

This cloud caught my attention on our Saturday excursion yesterday; it intrigued me so that rather than include it in the previous post, I opted to try some PhotoFun and let you all decide what it resembles – U Tell Me – what YOU think it looks like. Indulge me, folks cause my mind sometimes usually works in strange ways (and sometimes mysterious ways) just ask Grenville.

This is how the photo was taken originally taken . . .

UtellMe0402 (1)

This is the result AFTER it took a 360 turn to be upside down . . .

UtellMe0402 (2)

Here’s the original and modified photos together.

cloud collageWhat do Your impressions ?

OK, me first – it looked like a large fluffy bear when it was turned upside down.


grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice...It reminds me of a Mole or Shrew
quite over sized of course!
The first photo also reminds me of a dog sleeping on its back with it's front paws folded in over it's chest!!
Hahaha...will be fun to see other peoples take on it !!

troutbirder said...

I'm going with a family of mice nest. btw I've got on someplace in my files that looks exactly like Big Willy and Tricky Dick. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was the top part of a mushroom :-)(when it is upside down).

Have a great day now!

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice ...I wanted to say I loved both your cloud post and camera discussing!!
I Was not spared the rath of Old Man Winters April fools joke on Spring!!
I had 8 to 10 inches of snow and lost power and interenet for over 12 hours so I'm just catching up!!

Anvilcloud said...

The top one looks like a polar bear on its back to me. The second doesn't give me a clear impression.

Lois Evensen said...

or, perhaps a puppy. ;)

Judy said...

Hi Beatrice,

Wow that is an incredible capture!


Montanagirl said...

When it's upside down, to me it looks like a big buffalo type animal with it's head down charging - it even have horns sticking up

possum said...

Its a Mama possum! Clearly! Whaddya mean you can't see a mama possum and all her little ones hanging on her back????

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last one with them together, looks like a bear laying on its back in the top and a giant turtle swimming underneath. alone i did not see either of these. what fun, keep playing the actual photo is a special cloud

Unknown said...

HI Beatrice I too thought of a bear, a polar bear with his feet in the air.. take care. ps. it's good to see things! Diana

Connie said...

The upside down one looks like an armadillo. HA HA! :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Folkis and thanks for all these great replies. It's amazing how many different things can be seen in cloud formations: bears, mole, shrew, mice nest,puppy, buffalo, possum, armidillo, and a mushroom. All creative and fun replies. THANKS all for playing along on this post.

Sorry to hear about your latest winter blast, Grammie G. Glad your internet is up again cause we were missing you.

Welcome troutbirder and come back again. I'll check your blog as well.

Possum, of course, you would see a possum - what else?

Hey Judy, nice to have you visit and thanks.

Unknown said...

Cotton candy clouds yummmie.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Looks like either a mouse, or mole! Cloud watching is fun! Have a great week. blessings,Kathleen

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi SnapperII, make that LOTS of cotton candy!

Thanks Kathleen, you agree with Grammie G and Troutbirder.