
Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Funnies

It’s the weekend, well almost, and here’s a fun photo post with only short captions. These things tickled our funny bones (which doesn’t take much).  A fellow blogger, Scott, features a regular Phun Phriday post on his Just Used Pixels blog.

What boat? (must be the camouflage cover)

what boatAn apple a day . . . keeps what away?

apple a dayGrenville and I wish you all a great weekend wherever and however you spending it. Also, like so many others, we are keeping our southern neighbors in our thoughts and prayers after the tragic tornadoes earlier this week. It’s been a rough week for so many folks with unusual weather events.


Scott Law said...

Those tickled my Phunny bone too. Great shots for Phun Phriday!

Connie said...

Thanks for the smiles, Beatrice. :)

Anonymous said...

That boat really look strange with that cover on :-) :-) :-) But I really like the second photograph!! It´s really cool!

Yes poor people that was hit by those tornadoes! I feel so sorry for them!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Folks, here's a little background: the boat with the camouflouge cover was taken on one of our a.m. walks. The hand and apple and hand were part of a welding shop exhibit at the community college .

Scott, thanks for the visit. Glad you liked these; I always enjoy your Phun Phridays.

Daisy, you're welcome - have a great weekend!

Christer, watching the videos is sad beyond words to see such devastation. We are so thankful and yet sad for those with such losses.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are cool and the apple is way weird. great post and i did smile

Out on the prairie said...

i love the hand coming out

Ginnie said...

Well, you answered my question. I was going to ask what the heck that hand was supposed to represent but since it's part of a college project it could mean almost anything. Pretty well executed, no matter what the meaning.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was really weird, Sandra and Steve (the apple and hand). Glad I answered your question ahead of time, Ginnie.

Lois Evensen said...

Well, ok, then, uh, I understand the cover on the boat (sort of), but the apple is a true mystery. I shall surely lose sleep over it tonight - NOT! :\

Hey, seriously, it's good to have a connection and be able to check in with you folks. :)) We're out at sea again (my blog necessarily lags a few days until I get a connection) where we can only log on on Sundays.


Carole Barkett said...

That hand is a pretty amazing creation

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Lois, yes we know the sea was calling again for Kjell and you. Hey, it's really tough having to go along, but then glad you do so we get to see all those great on and off ship photos.

Thanks Carole (Country Mouse) it really was quite amazing. I'm not sure if it was a Mac computer with the apple - that would make it an even better visual pun.