
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Clouds & Cameras

The forecast was for another day of scattered showers. Since there was no outdoor work to begin, Grenville and I headed to the closest “big city” shopping area of Salisbury, MD to check out a new digital camera for him.

The skies were beautiful when we started out around noon.

0402cloud collage1The further we travelled, the more spectacular the skies became – what rain – surely the forecast was wrong.

0402cloud collage2Then, we noticed that the closer we got to Salisbury, MD, which is about 90 minutes from home, the skies were darkening – a lot.

0402cloud collage3Soon enough, they opened up. Luckily the downpour stopped by the time we reached our destinations, Best Buy and Staples stores.

rain collage

Grenville looked at the models available in each store. While hecanon S130 didn’t buy one today, he’s narrowed the search to Canon digitals,  possibly the PowerShot S130.

We don’t go on shopping excursions very often. Our options are somewhat limited where we live, so we often order online. However, some items like cameras are best seen and handled to get the “feel” of them. I was  nikonD90 bodyable to check out a Nikon D90 which is the digital SLR camera I posted about earlier and plan to buy soon. It was heftier than  expected after reading some reviews; it still remains my top choice as have a couple of lenses to fit it.

The weather improved considerably on the drive home and we were treated to some beautiful sunset scenery.

0402cloud collage4Clouds were not the only interesting sights today. I shot these trees (using a camera, of course) while Grenville was busy driving.

0402 trees collageEven though we didn’t buy anything, except copy paper at Staples, it was a good day to get out for a drive. And, we both got to check out what might become our next digital cameras.

We hope you are having a wonderful weekend too. Sunday is supposed to be sunny and rain-free here. YEAH!


Lois Evensen said...

We are the same way about shopping. There are some things that can just be bought on line. Cameras are different. We need to handle them, too, but we have usually done enough research before we get to the store to know pretty much what we want to buy.

Nice sky images. :))

Montanagirl said...

Your sky and weather photos are fabulous. Love sky shots. It's always fun to get out for a drive and do a little shopping.

Anonymous said...

But what about the delicious Brunch at Sage.... and then the wonderful 'Lunner' (lunch & Dinner)at #1 Chinese Place.
OK Ok KO ... so forget the food and go buy your camera already.... You deserve it...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs!

yes it is the feeling when holding the camera that decides which one to buy :-)

They had promised that rain would come yesterday even and continue during the night and that it would be sunny and warm today. So naturally the rain is on its way now instead, but it is warm though :-)

Have a great day now!

Connie said...

It sounds like you had a nice day out. Great shots of the clouds. I was out taking pictures of clouds yesterday too! :-)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looking skyward has become a new fascination. All the photos in this post were done with a "point & shoot" camera as in the previous post, only difference is that these were all taken from a moving vehicle. I'm aalways amazed by the results and glad you all enjoy them too.

Lois & Mona, even though we sometimes know in advance what we want to buy, you're right about being able to handle something. Even when we don't buy anything, the drive is nice - especialy when I'm the passenger and taking photos.

THANKS Grenville!

Hi Christer, the forecast is not always accurate as you well know from your winter this year. Hope you don't get as much rain as we have had last week. More could be on its way this coming week. Grenville is so anxious to get out and work in the gardens soon.

Thanks Daisy, hope you had a fun photo day with cloud shooting too.

Anvilcloud said...

All DSLRs are bulky in my experience. It's almost like we need a decent p&s too. We (Cuppa) have a p&s although I wouldn't call it decent. But I would no longer call my old DSLR decent either -- well, maybe barely decent.

Out on the prairie said...

I always plug in the model and see what comes up for prices on cameras and lens for online shopping.I am over 90 miles from any stores that would carry them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

whatever camera you have and took all the weather shots with, they are fantastic shots. really fantastic. love all of them. i do the same thing, look and look and look then order if i find a deal on the one i want. yesterday i went on a photo shoot with a friend and she has a new canon powershot, with a tilt screen and it is really a nice camera. she loves it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

AC, you have a good point because having owned 35mm and digital SLRs I also grew weary of hauling around camera and lenses, hence my hestitation and ongoing quandry about whether I really want to go that route once again. However owning the 2 Nikon lenses (even if prev for a film camera) is nagging me to give SLRs another try. And, Nikon has assured me the lenses will work with the selected digital model; it was the least costly of the 3 models they named. But, for now I am having fun with the point & shoot models (Panasonic, Samsung and an old Fuji Finepix). I know it's possible to produce decent images with these and the feedback seems to concur.

Steve, so do we because as you have seen in our posts, while we have stores in the area there are none dealing with caleras (Walmart does NOT count).

Hi Sandra, the photos in this post were taken with a Samsung HZ30W (12 MP, 15X optical zoom). the cloud shots in the previous post were taken with a Panasonic Lumix LZ5 (6MP, 6X optical zoom). I know many people who really like the Canon line of P&S cameras and most likely Grenville will be getting a new one soon. What type camera(s) do you use for your blog photos?

Anonymous said...

Salisbury, MD .. I got married in that town upteen years ago. That marriage has since dissolved, but I remember the town and the church. I remember where we had our reception too .. Is English's still in that city?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Linda, it really is a small world isn't it? We didn't get to downtown Salisbury, but just the big stores along Rte 13. I checked online and found an English's restaurant on S. Schumaker Drive if that's the place you were thinking about. We've never been there.