
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Goldfinches Galore

SAM_2550new feeder (1)A double sack finch feeder was this week’s  thrift store bargain – it was FREE. Of course, it came in caked with seed as and needed a good cleaning. The seed sacks were  very discolored too. But after some soap, bleach and scrubbing, the feeder was soon looking close to new. Here it is after it was hung on Friday afternoon. It didn’t take long for the local goldfinch population to latch onto this new food source.

By 9 a.m. today, Saturday, there were lots of colorful and hungry visitors. The older single sack feeder is shown in the background. Within a short time, there were more than a dozen goldfinches hanging off and around the 3 feeders. These shots were taken from the kitchen window as I was enjoying a cup of coffee.
goldfinch collage0409 SAM_2506SAM_2509DSCF1805


Lois Evensen said...

There is something wonderful about finding something for "free" when you have a good use for it, isn't it! Happy birds and great images. :)

Connie said...

Wow, they sure found it fast! Nice pictures! :)

Out on the prairie said...

Finches here are brighter. You can get replacement sacks.My best count has been 23.

Anvilcloud said...

Never seen sack feeders before. They certainly seem to work.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a first for me, hanging sacks. super sacks i call them

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, Lois, FREE is a very good word especially when some soap and water gave me something to enjoy - the finches are just such fun to watch!

Daisy, they syre did - within 10 minutes.

Steve, we bought a couple extra sacks at Tractor Supply, thanks. There's a couple of really bright ones in the group hanging around, maybe males?

AC, this is a first year for us with them. And they DO work really well. We're going to have to stock on on the seed, which tends to be costly.

Sandra, have you tried these in FL?

Anonymous said...

Nice feeder! The feeder would go a long way towards keeping the sacks dry too. You have lots of birds enjoying the bird seed.