
Thursday, April 21, 2011

NJ Photo Challenges

Here’s a couple of photo puzzlers from my recent NJ excursion. Both photos were taken on the same day and in the same place before 10 a.m.

The first one is sort of a Where is This?  The second is a What Are These People Doing?
Challenge#1: This is part of a larger establishment which features entertainment for young and old.
P1050113AHints:  People go here go to have a good time. Don’t let the bottles and glassware confuse you. This is in not just a bar or restaurant and is in a very public location.
Challenge #2: Can you tell why these folks gathered early in the morning?
Hints: Think of Santa Claus and a seasonal event.

As always, no prizes, just braggin’ rights – Answers later tonight.


Country Gal said...

Santas village or a mall Thats what I come up with lol !

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice...#2.....its the Easter Bunny??

Connie said...

I'm going to guess an Easter egg hunt at a mall?

Neat pictures. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last one has to be getting aphoto taken with the easter bunny, the first one looks like a bar, so no clue where or why or what for

Anonymous said...

Number one: I have absolutely no idea :-) Number two: Do they get the chance to meet the easter bunny? I´ve never heard of anything like that happen, but why not :-)

Have a great day now!

possum said...

Hmmm, #1 looks like a place I would not think of going into - bottles, glasses - would just keep on walking no matter what it is.
#2 One of the few pictures I have of me as a child is sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap, my guess is the Bunny line?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks everyone for playing along on this photo challenge. There ewasn't a correct guess on the first photo, but several got the second one eggs-actly right and this was a hopping busy spot as everyone waited for the EB!