
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Colorful Easter Sunday

Easter colors usually seem to include shades of yellows and purples. Here are those colors seen on our Sunday a.m. walk.

The yellows in this photo are buttercups, mustard green flowers, wild pansies, dandelions, and yellow wood sorrel.

Easter yellow collage

This is my favorite color, purple, in various blooms of iris, wild pansy, wild violet, and wisteria.

Easterpurple collage

We wish everyone a Happy Easter – no matter how you observe the day.


Lois Evensen said...

Ooooh, how pretty! We don't have lavender iris blooming at home yet. The white ones were ready to open when we left a few days ago.

Happy Easter.


Anonymous said...

I think the christian color is purple during easter and the yellow is for everyone :-)

Have a great continuing of easter!

Anvilcloud said...

Our crocuses are out. My daughter's are all but gone, but mine come out later. They came back much stronger than I thought they would this year. Many other plants are sprouting. We finally have some decently warm weather, albeit with much rain in the forecast, so it's beginning to unfold as it should.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

perfect Easter colors, beautiful find you found on this wonderful Easter morning

Country Gal said...

Lovely !
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

L. D. said...

Your collages of flowers are really wonderful. I know you weather is earlier than ours as you sort of are a southern state. Thanks for sharing all the great color.

Connie said...

Beautiful flower collages, Beatrice! Happy Easter to you too. :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Another Easter is coming to an end. It was a beautiful day with temps in the mid-80s. We observed the day quietly at home, except for brunch at Annie's, our favorite local eatery.

Lois, our irises have not yet opened. These purple ones were around the corner by a neighbor's fence.
Christer, growing up in the Catholic faith, all the church staturs were covered with purple cloth during lent.
AC, it's odd that flowers can bloom around the corner as the neighbor's irises and yet now yet in our own yard. The same seems true with the crocus in your part of the world.
Sandra, nice how things work out so well, sometimes.
Thanks Country Gal and Daisy - same wishes to you both.
Hi Larry, glad you liked the collages which are so easy to create in Picasa, which is how I make all of them. We're on the VA eastern shore so our weather is a bit warmer, but not as warm as in some places further south.

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice...Just gorgeous and so fitting for Easter!!

Unknown said...

we have little color out here, but today I saw two magnolia trees in town are opening buds and some lawns have daffodils and dandelions showing. If we get more sun tomorrow, maybe our spring colors will start. I have some off white daffodills down by the garden.

Montanagirl said...

Happy Easter to you too! Your photos are gorgeous. I really favor purple as well.

Cicero Sings said...

The pastor asked that we dress in bright colours this Easter Sunday morn. I wore a bright yellow dress ... as bright as those buttercups ... accented with red. I was bright! It was a lovely day here too but the clouds have moved in this evening.

Out on the prairie said...

I enjoyed your selections, I added lots of blue with mine seeing lots of bluebells all over.Some purple iris smell like grape soda.

Scott Law said...

So pretty. We're even starting to see some daffodils and tulips here. Spring has been a long time coming this year and I'm excited for it. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Grammie G. I looked specifically for yellows and purples on our Easter a.m. walk and how lucky to have found all these!

Hi Pat, MN is a bit later getting spring weather, but then you also probably don't get the heat we'll get within a few months.

Mona, how nice to know it's a color you favor too. Purple is also in my birthstone color - amethyst.

Eileen (Cicero Sings) and I bet you really felt great in those bright colors too especially on such a festive day. Hope the clouds don't bring bad weather. We could use some rain but none in the forecast.

Steve, when our pur-ple iris finally bloom I will smell them to see if there is a grape soda smell, but of course will make sure no bees are enjoying them too. I'm not sure if the small blue flowers were bluebells as they also were in white.

Thanks Scott for the compliment and coming from a fine photographer like you I really appreciate them!

Ruth said...

Lovely vivid colours. I saw my first daffodils and dandelions today...better late than never.

Carole Barkett said...

Wow, how beautiful

Elaine said...

Lovely collages! The snow has been melting fast, so I hope to see some wildflowers poking up soon.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Ruth, yes the colors were very bright on a wonderfully sunny and warm Easter Sunday. Our daffodils are just about gone but we have LOTS of dandelions - all summer long.

Thanks Country Mouse, glad you stopped by.

Elaine, it will be nice to see your spring shots - any day/week now?