
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 27 (can you believe it???)

WOW!!!!! I had to recount those calendar days to make sure i had it right. Twenty seven days on the road. We are still in Portland Maine. Today was a cloudy, damp, drizzley, misty, rainy, sunny, really rainy and windy, and finally sunny with a spectacular finish.
 P1030729 P1030730 P1030727
This was the finish of a storm with driving rain and 30 mph winds while we were in Wells. We sat the storm out in a parking lot at the beachfront and watched the storm roll over us and out to sea.
Our actual route was through Scarbrough, Saco, Kennebunk, Ogunquit, and Wells. Along the way we ran into some interesting things.
This is a solid chocolate Bear. I tried to take a bite of his ear but they caught me. Beatrice will have more on him and his friend.

The Saco River separates the towns of Saco and Beddeford. In the 1800’s it was dammed in numerous locations to provide power to run the many mills along the river. Today water from the dams spin turbines that generate electrical power. The structure to the right is a wind turbine that has P1030723been erected near the Saco generating   station. I guess that it will be put into service to either replace the water turbines or produce additional electricity eventually. There is a program in  Maine to remove the older dams on rivers and restore the historic fish runs. This turbine was about 60 feet tall. So how do you get something that big and tall to stand????? Lots of concrete and a whole lot of really huge bolts anold train stnd nuts.
We found this old railroad station in among a flea market. After pulling into the parking we spotted a sign that parking was $5.00. I guess he had more lookers than buyers so he decided to charge for parking. At least he would make a few bucks, but not from us.
Tomorrow Peaks Island, and Portland Head Light. (Yes Possum, I'll bring a rock home for you.)


Lois Evensen said...

My goodness, you're having a lovely month away! The pictures have been just great.

possum said...

I'm waiting, I'm waiting....
I can barely stand the excitement!