And here they are. Still green but we have a bunch of these beauties. Celebrities, Rutgers and Romas.It is looking like fresh tom’s and corn for the 4th of July. They will go perfect with cole slaw and smoked ribs.
BUT there is more happening out there!!!!!!!!
Now it might be hard to see but those are Sun Flowers, Red Onions, and more beans that have popped up in the last day or so. This morning the other beans got weeded and now almost everything is ready for some more mulch.
And last but by no means least is the Squash Field (no not the game). So far just one yellow crookneck and one dreaded zuccinni. Tomorrow is Camp Day for me. A group tour and last minute curriculum session before we start the two sessions of Ecology Camp at Camp Occohannock More on this as it happens next week.
Yummy! Lots of fresh veggies soon to be on the table! :)
Sure looks like Grenville and Beatrice will have lots of "good eats" this summer!
That's the perfect size for yellow squash! They are so sweet when they're young.
I am so envious of your garden! For the 2nd year in a row due to unpredictability of family matters and RV travels we are foregoing our garden. I buy from a local farmer friend & at the local farmer's market, but I miss picking and bringing right into the house. Our garden patch now has only a corner of horseradish, several plots of rhubarb which I must get cleaned out to make way for the next crop, tons of onions that have to be pulled that have seeded, and two giant rows of my lillies which I must get to weeding! Actually it has to wait as we will be journeying again to the RV rally next week; in May I damaged the tendons in both hands using the neww cool tool I bought, "Garden Claw" in my rose garden so I am painfully & resentfully awaiting full recovery and can only weed and clip a bit at a time, or the swelling gets worse as my hands revolt with the arthritis cheering them on. So when we return I'll hire my neighbor's 16 year old boy to help. Have you tried eating squash blossoms, had them years ago in CA in salads where they were ever so slightly sauteed. I see we share some favorite authors too--Michener and Elizabeth George
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