The situation was so dire for many that an Australian bush poet, S.J. Paterson summed it up in a comedic parody, The Ballad of Dunny Roll included in a March Friday Funnies post.
Good news — apparently there's no longer a shortage of TP in many areas. Local store shelves are not only fully stocked, but there's been many sales.
I admit to a bit of curiosity about Cottonelle® Professional TP which it seems is for public restrooms. According to the company's website: Make a lasting impression every time with the home-like comfort of Cottonelle® Professional Toilet Paper. A premium toilet paper that delivers a superior feeling of luxury for customers . . .
The things one learns.

TP is not the only former items that was once in short supply. Other items like — hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes were often hard to find as well. Lately, I've seen store shelves fully stocked with these products and, of course, all types of masks, face shields thermometers and other items.
That's not to say there's no product shortages, but earlier shortage issues seem to be have been replaced by others in short or limited supply, like — toilet bowl cleaner and similar disinfectant cleaning products. Over the past few weeks, local supermarket shelves and retail pharmacy shelves in Nashua, NH have posted signage for purchase limits.
That's assuming, there are any products to limit. Most times when we've been shopping, stores shelves have looked like this ↓.
Just Wondering — Is this the new shortage crisis?
Are any of these items in short supply where you live?
(Thanks for your comments on fall decos outside our apt entry. These were put up the first week in Sept, in hopes of fall-like 🍁 weather. However, it's been very warm and more like summer 🌞 the past 2 weeks.)
I haven't seen caffeine-free Diet Coke here for quite some time. But we have pretty well always had TP except right near the beginning, I guess.
There is an issue with aluminum now, so I have also noticed there are limited choices of soft drinks - I can't get the caffiene free colas and sometimes the diet versions as well. I don't bake my own bread or rolls, but there is still a limit of one package of yeast per customer. -Jenn
I was in Hannafords last week and seems like the TP aisle was still a bit sparse there.
Your story is similar here. There is an abundance of toilet paper on the shelves and filling the aisles. We will have a shortage of fruit and vegetables soon because it is spring and the farms are ready to be picked but because our borders are closed to overseas back packers and students there is no one to pick the fruit and vegetables. Farmers are ploughing strawberries back into the ground. There is also a lack of sheep shearers from NZ and interstate because of the border closures. So wool will become scarce too.
There's no shortage of items I need, but I've noticed a sharp fall in quality of some products I'm used to buy. Yoghurt, for example is watery; bread - dry, and lost its original taste. I've complained, but the person in charge gave me a look that could mean - sorry, it won't get better than that.
we are the same here as you are.. zero cleaning supplies, empty shelves. plenty of TP... bob prefers cottonelle, I changed to Charmin because i never bought it, to expensive, but when it was all they had i did, now i am hooked. just dont buy Walmart brand 1000 generic sheets. it is horrid. i am using it in place of kleenex
Have not been shopping for three weeks so am not sure about current shortages. Three weeks ago, there were a lot of empty shelves in the paper and cleaning aisles. I did shop in a drugstore on Saturday looking for bandaids. I thought the shelves looked depleted. Some places were being "held" by just one box of whatever it was. I hope that we can return to pre-covid status some fine day soon.
Beatrice, Still some empty shelves for TP...but plenty of stock if you're willing to try different brands. Costco the other day was out of their paper towel and limited purchases of the other brand they carry to one big pack. Disinfectant is definitely in short supply here as well. Hard to find. Lots of hand santitizer now...but some off brands so have to read the labels. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
There are still plenty of shortages here too. I have to shop around (on the internet) for assorted paper products. I end up getting one here and one there. (if I get one) There has been no rubbing alcohol anywhere since March. I finally found some (this month) at one place and was able to order two bottles. Frozen foods keep dwindling, my favorite macaroni is not only hard to find, but in some places the prices are astronomical. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
There were shortages at the beginning, but I haven't noticed much of a problem lately.
No shortages here apart from a general shortage of common sense in the government. It could be some time before the situation is rectified.
The last time I shopped for groceries I had decided to make biscuits and gravy for a meal. Being lazy I thought I would buy canned biscuits. I shop online and get curbside delivery so I am not exposed to a lot of people I don't know. The store was completely out of canned biscuits of any kind.
I haven't noticed any shortages throughout the pandemic other than for toilet paper when the initial frenzy occurred, but we had sufficient not to be affected by it. The only product I could not find - and that just one time - was a cauliflower of all things! As for cleaning products we make our own so bare shelves are unlikely to be noticed since I don't meander down that aisle.
We have been to several stores over the past few months looking for Ivory Dish Soap. None anywhere. Most of the shelves in the detergent/cleanser aisles are bare or a few less than perfect products left. No hand sanitizers anywhere.
I'm not shopping early hours (which I've heard are a good idea for scarce items) so I'm still washing dishes with hand soap...I think it should work. And I've just got some kitchen and bathroom cleansers that I'd love to replace with others, but can't find brands I want. TP is ok, and I've been able to purchase some big batches at a time. As a single person household, that lasts a month most of the time. I am bad about following the arrows to go down aisles correctly. I'm concentrating on trying to find an item that I need for a recipe, which I've never bought before...and mis-step...but I have my mask on, and back away from people who don't mask up.
After six months, I'm still seeing some shortages in the stores. Toilet paper and paper towels are still low in Walmart - and they are completely out of rubbing alcohol and peroxide. They were also out of vitamin C for weeks, but finally have a small supply.
The local supermarket is very low on some items - and prices are higher on many things - including all produce.
plenty of hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies available. and most paper products. we get the two ply cottonelle and its hard to find, though. in very short supply here. also noticed run on meats. however stores are offering more buy 1 get 1 items for sale. i usually pay $12-$15 a pound for lamb. so i get it rarely. yesterday i snagged 2lbs of chops for $11.97 in a buy 1 get 1 deal. i was thrilled. a special treat. masks for sale are everywhere in abundance. school supplies are being replaced with halloween costumes and such. usually the schools send home a list of supplies that kids are supposed to have and they are very particular about which brands you buy, nothing store brand, etc. this year more important issues were at hand and those lists were not sent. for the first time in years brands were ignored. the cheapest would do. since march one store that i frequent has been slashing clothing by 40 to 75 percent. great bargains to be had. today i got a $30 windchime for $2.50. unbelievable.
Where you are you going next? We're thinking of heading the the Flume Gorge on Friday weather permitting. Will decide Thursday night in order to make a reservation.
Here in Kansas I was recently surprised to see the Walmart shelves where napkins and paper plates usually are completely bare of any brand. The cleaning supplies shelves looked like the ones you pictured. I'll look again tomorrow.
Not that I get out, but from the ordering we've been doing and when Leah shops once a month and from ordering on Amazon--there are still shortages. It has taken me months to finally get my select-a-size Viva paper towels. There are usually shortages every time we order from the local grocery store online for pickup. One time it could be almond milk and another time something else--but often meats. For quite a while it was baking goods. Cleaning supplies can still be hard to get. I have heard that bikes and computers are hard to come by these days. Even jig saw puzzles! :)
Most things we need are on our shelves here in Tasmania, sometimes there is a delay due to borders being closed but freight can get through.
Loved the funny poem :)
I've been looking for lime and rust toilet cleaner for the cottage since the beginning of the summer. Shelves are empty of all bowl cleaner by and large, although I did get one at Ace Hardware (they had lots of others) and 1 at Tractor Supply Company (only 1 available). I'll probably be set for up north but will need some for here, too. I did snag the last two lysol spray cleaners -- one for me, one for my friend Kate as a thank you for cleaning wipes. Which I still can't find!
I would love to find some chlorox or similar wipes. None of those to be had. And I've had trouble getting a few other cleaning products, but still, way better than what we had last spring.
This morning the WalMart was very short on cleaning supplies. They were out of Soft Scrub, a favorite one of ours for kitchen counters and sinks. Plenty of TP. I bet that a good many of the hoarders are now stuck with several years' supply!
Great post dear Dorothy
No such shortages here though we are facing shortage of few medicine here which is worrying
Blessings to your beautiful world my friend
We just bought toilet paper and paper towels for my in-laws and many other things which were all in good supply at the store where we stopped. I order groceries online for us occasionally, and at that store sometimes a few items are out of stock, but in next time I order. At the stores I visit in person, there was only one item I used to get, either a 6 pk of paper towels but all they had was a 2 pk and you could only get one. That was no inconvenience though, will pick it up at another store.
Hello again! I disappear for a while, but enjoy popping back in for a visit now and then. Hope you are both happy and well.
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