
Monday, September 21, 2020

A Parade and Answer

Despite chilly temperatures this past Saturday evening, there was a parade in Nashua, NH, but not just an ordinary parade. What made this one more unusual is that it was on water, not land, and its participants were all in kayaks. This photo was taken just after the parade started about 6:30 pm. A local kayak company put a notice on its website for all interested kayakers to join in.

These were not ordinary kayaks, but brightly lit and highly decorated ones. Although it is difficult to see them lit up in the above photo. 
The flotilla paddled on the Nashua River which flows adjacent to the millyard apartment complex where we reside.

Just after starting out, the kayakers circled the first of two fountains. Nearly all of the 60+ crafts were brightly lighted. Many included decorative add-ons, everything from palm trees, toy sharks, balloons, pirate flags, holiday decorations with some music accompaniment.

Once paddlers travelled downriver, lighting improved somewhat.
 This was the second kayak event this season. An earlier one in late July was on a much warmer eve when participants wore shorts and t-shirts. This time, most kayakers donned much warmer gear. Saturday's daytime high barely reached the mid-60s; nighttime temps dropped to the high 30s. 

The colorful flotilla of over 60 decorated and lighted kayaks circled the second fountain, went under the Main St bridge, then paddled back to the starting launch. This second and most likely final river event this year was viewed from the Main St bridge and our vantage point along the Nashua River bank with other apartment residents. 

Admittedly, the photos in this post taken with my cell phone are not the clearest shots. That said, here's a drone video that really showcases this unique event.

This post was done in the "new" Blogger format and unlike for previous posts where I could revert to Legacy Blogger, it was no longer an option (sigh). Photo insertion seems to be somewhat more difficult as selecting the size and alignment is now a 2-step process. But, there's a greater choice of fonts styles, in that you can add more fonts from a drop down selection. There's been a log of bloggers who have commented both for and against this new format, hopefully it will become more user-friendly as we adjust to it.

Here's the context of the mystery quote included at the end of a post last Thursday.

Kudos to Ron, Emma and Edna who commented correctly that it was from the 1947 film, Miracle on 34th Street. It was spoken by the character of Alfred, a young Macy's janitor, portrayed by 17-year old Alvin Greenman, a native New Yorker.

This American holiday comedy-drama film garnered three Academy Awards: Edmund Gwenn (Kris Kringle) for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Valentine Davies for best Writing, Original Story, and George Seaton for Best Writing, Screenplay. It was also nominated for Best Picture, but lost to Gentleman's Agreement. In 2005, the Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry as being culturally, historically or aesthetically significant.


LL Cool Joe said...

They are excellent photos considering they were taken with a cell phone. I can't upload any photos with the new format on Chrome. I've had to contact google about it but I doubt they'll do anything.

Marcia said...

I'm guessing the kayakers belong to some organization of kayakers? Were they celebrating something in particular?

As to new blogger I'm finding I can't make my photos as large as before. And if I download more than one at a time they mix up the order. I'll have to check out the new fonts.

Lois Evensen said...

What fun. Your images are great! Thanks for sharing them. I've been getting used to the new blogger format, too. I always wonder why things that aren't broken have to be "fixed," but it happens.... Anyway, they've fixed the image size thing to include "original" now which is a big help to me.

Linda said...

What an amazing event!! Loved getting to see that through your lens!
In this day and time, it's especially important to ceebrate whatever we can whenever we can and your town seems to be doing that up right!

Yes, I am doing my best to leran the ropes on the new blogger. Sandra from Mad Snapper sent me some good tips. I had some photos making people thinner and some making us bigger.

It's a rainy day here in the country in Texas. Because of the hurricane down south. I opened the camper windows Saturday night and we haven't had the AC on since!

Wishing you a wonderful last full week of September morns!

Ron said...

AWESOME photos! The first and second one are STUNNING. Love the light you captured!

The event looked like so much fun. Just from the feel of your photographs, you can tell the Autumn is rolling in and I'm so excited and happy. Yes, it's been much cooler here as well, and I'm loving it. Last night it dropped down into the high 40's. Daytime was mid-60's.

I'm not fond of new blogger, but I'm starting to get (somewhat) used it. The post I'll be publishing tomorrow was done completely with new blogger and it took me forever to upload the photos. I also tried to upload an Instagram post and it would not allow me to do it, so I had to go into the HTML code and do it by hand. Which I don't have a problem with, however, Blogger changed the whole look of the HTML code, which took me all day to figure out. I don't mind change, however, this new Blogger change did nothing to improve our experience, it only made it more difficult. And I sent them an email to let them know.

LOVE the clip! I can't wait to watch that movie on Thanksgiving Day this year!

Have a superb week, my friend!

David said...

Beatrice, Nifty kayak parade! Great idea... The only boat parade around here was political in nature. As for photos, I put mine in Google Photos and just drop them in as needed. I clean up both my camera photos and my wife's Smart Phone photos using the Google Photo app and they generally come out pretty well. My camera is better with distance. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Vee said...

The colorful kayaks look so pretty on the river... A bouquet of a different sort.

Joyce F said...

That must have been something to see in person. Thanks for sharing the photos and the drone video.

Red said...

Very creative of the people to have a parade of kayaks.

Margaret D said...

The photos of the event are nice, the video is good seeing them all going around..thanks for sharing.

Rita said...

Never heard of a kayak parade. Looks quite festive! :)

Emma Springfield said...

The parade of kayaks sounds like great fun to watch.

baili said...

oh this video made my day dear Dorothy :)

what a lovely performance ,they were floating on water like beautiful flowers:)

either i am uncomfortable with new blogger specially when it come to post images it is so tricky

more blessings to you and loved ones !

Anvilcloud said...

I don’t mind the New Blogger format in some ways, but I do wish hey hadn’t stopped the use of html codes, like the em dash and the degree symbol.

Christina said...

Nashua is a town where life is lived joyfully it seems. The kayak parade looks fun. I'd of course be a spectator on the river bank, I am not much fond of being on boats of any size. Did I spot a kayak with an inflatable palm tree?

I don't mind the new blogger format, it is more user friendly than the virtual learning environment I have to use daily... which reflects badly on my institution. The VLE is dead in the water just now, that's why I am reading blog posts in the middle of the day....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You and your cell phone did an awesome job because it's really quite beautiful and my favorite photo is the one with the steeple that's lit up that's really beautiful and I know that it was absolutely gorgeous with all those kayaks all decorated in with lights on them. We used to go to the st. Petersburg Boat Parade where all the boats were decorated. This is very similar but kayaks and no Motors.

My name is Erika. said...

That looks like a cool event to not only watch but participate in. I think I might prefer the summer evening one to this cooler weather one, but what fun to watch. I like the lights as darkness set in. Happy autumn! Hugs-Erika

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A kayak parade - there's always something new to hear about. It looks quite an event.

Edna B said...

It must have been such fun watching the parade of kayaks all decorated and lit up. I saw something similar once a few years ago and it was so exciting. Your photos came out just fine. I use my phone a lot for photos too. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

DUTA said...

Your city Nashua and its river seem to be places of great colorful activity and events. Good for the residents! A parade of decorated and lit up kayaks is something quite exciting!

mamasmercantile said...

What a fun parade, looks wonderful. I must admit although I live on an Island and live right on the sea I do like my feet firmly on the ground.

Jon said...

Those first two photos are so beautiful and the kayak parade is a unique and wonderful idea. I enjoyed the video.

By the way - that annoying hacker comment also appeared on my blog.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A flotilla of kayaks seems like as good a celebration as I can imagine.

CrystalChick said...

A fun and colorful event! My husband enjoys kayaking, although he'd never participate in a parade. He goes alone or with one/two others, that's it. lol Your pictures are nice, and thanks for the video too.

William Kendall said...

Quite a different format for a parade!

Jeanie said...

So colorful and pretty. I love it when I see kayaks on the lake. The parade looks fun. Happy weekend!