Thanks to Everyone for comments on last week's post about product shortages for what’s in short supply and what’s not available. Since that post was prepared at the beginning of this week, there have been a few changes on local store shelves — supermarkets, dollar store, retail pharmacy stores.
It was very interesting to read comments from bloggers here in the U.S. and several other countries and learn about what they can and cannot find in their stores. Here’s a brief run down of some comments (I tried to condense and combine many comments):
John (Canada) said he could not find caffeine-free Diet Coke® and Jen (Canada) said there was an aluminum shortage because she also could not diet soft drinks and there where limited choices for other soft drinks.
Marcia (NH) Agreed with others that TP and other paper goods paper were still in short supply some others said. Meanwhile some folks found that supply OK. I agree with those who said that alternate brands were available. I've seen the same in several stores here.
Sandra (FL) said she switched her favorite brand of TP to a more expensive brand when it all that was available, but that she loved the switch. She cautioned against Walmart generic brand TP calling it horrible.
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TP choices in at least 3 stores here last week |
Edna (MA) said she found plenty of shortages and had to shop online for some paper products (when she could find them). She's had problems finding her favorite macaroni and in some places the prices are much higher.
Jeanie (MI) and others commented that cleaning supplies mentioned in my earlier post, like toilet bowl cleaners, were hard to find. I will add that this week there was a 2-pack of Lysol brand toilet bowl cleaner and as it was the last one on the shelf, I retrieved it, so am set for now.
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Some TB cleaner products in Nashua, NH stores last week |
Diane (Australia) reported shortages in fruits and vegetables because with borders closed there are no workers to pick them. She added that farmers were plowing strawberries back into the ground. Diane also predicted a wool shortage due to a lack of sheep shearers also due to border closures.
David (Canada) said he could not find a cauliflower. Hopefully that situation has been resolved, but if you are still searching, David, there's been a selection available here in NH supermarkets and we bought one yesterday.
Jen (Canada) said that yeast had a limit of one per customer where she shopped. Several weeks ago, it was non-existent on local supermarket shelves in Nashua, NH. This week, both yeast and bread flour were on a couple of supermarket shelves with no posted limits.
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Yeast and flour supplies on a supermarket shelf this week in Nashua, NH |
Duta (Israel) said the quality of some products, like yoghurt and bread, had slipped with those products either being watery or dry. She added that a complaint to the store manager did not bring any satisfaction.
Tarryterre (US) found ample supplies of TP and cleaning supplies with the exception of certain brands. She noted that meats were more costly. She added something that no one else noted that clothing prices were being clashes in stores she frequented. She said that that masks seemed to be available everywhere now. I have noticed this as well, have you? And, most that I've seen are "made in China" which seems rather ironic to me.
Vee (NE) said she hadn't been shopping recently, but saw shortage a few weeks ago in paper products and cleaning supplies. On a recent trip for bandaids, she said some shelf space was being held by single product there.
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Semi-empty store shelves last week |
While some reported ample supplies, prices seemed higher. I think that myself and many others will agree with that statement.
Robin (CA) said she could not find any hand sanitizers. I would invite her to shop here in Nashua, NH, as several stores had shelves full of different products.
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Various hand sanitizer products in CVS and a local supermarket |
Jon (TN) said the Walmart he shops at had been low on TP and paper goods for a while. Adding that now peroxide and rubbing alcohol were out of stock along with vitamin C, which he was recently able to find. Also that the local was low on many items and produce was higher priced.
David (TN) said that disinfectant products were either in short supply or hard to come by in his area. He noted the availability of off-brands. That's true for many products, especially some bleach ones. Look at this comparison between the price of the name brand vs. off brand. These were stacked side by side in a Job Lot store last week.
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Is there a cleaning difference to justify this price difference? |
Barbara (NC) said she did not shop early hours but heard they were better for items in scarce supply. As other commented, she hasn't been able to find some preferred brands of kitchen and bathroom cleaners, but TP purchases were not a problem. Barbara admitted to sometimes not following floor directional → ←arrows when trying to find something, but said she was masked and moved away from un-masked folks. I confess to having done the same when the needed item is at the end of the wrong aisle arrow.
Other products that several bloggers reported either being in short supply or not found included: rubbing alcohol, canned biscuits, canned foods, frozen foods, specific brand products. Also, other products that have been reported in short supply or hard to get are bicycles and personal computers. In our family, a second laptop was needed as both grandchildren are doing on-line learning. Their mom had to search around, but luckily found one before the start of classes this week.
Other products that several bloggers reported either being in short supply or not found included: rubbing alcohol, canned biscuits, canned foods, frozen foods, specific brand products. Also, other products that have been reported in short supply or hard to get are bicycles and personal computers. In our family, a second laptop was needed as both grandchildren are doing on-line learning. Their mom had to search around, but luckily found one before the start of classes this week.
While shortages continue for many consumables, local store shelves were loaded with these items.
In the words of Albert the (Macy's) janitor: A lot of bad "isms" floating around this world, but one of the worst is commercialism. Make a buck. Make a buck . . .
Can anyone name the movie this ↑ line is in? (There's a hint above; here's another one, it's a classic holiday film.) Answer next week.
I honestly have to say that here in the city of Philadelphia, our store shelves are not lacking in anything essential. Sure, Trader Joe's is occasionally out of certain products that I love, but that's normal. It doesn't have anything to do with the COVID pandemic. So, I feel very lucky and blessed.
And is that line from the movie, "Miracle of 34th Street?"
Have a superb rest of your week, my friend!
Well that was interesting and informative and changing all the time. I suppose that the one thing that is not changing is the steady rise in prices.
When I went to Hannafords this week I noticed the blank spots for some of the canned goods. Never remember seeing that before Covid. Grocery store shelves are usually well stocked unless its a sale item with a fantastic price.
it seems we are all having the same issues, and i think it will continue for at least another year, i just hope it does not get worse again.. there is a lack of canned goods in our walmart, the shelves are not even half full.
Interesting to read what others found hard to find or if at all.
Of course the line is from Miracle On 34th Street. It seems that products are becoming more available now.
Hmmm, I sort of thought that the movie was also Miracle on 34th Street. It is very interesting to see all the different replies about what is and is not in shortage. We have not been able to buy any rubbing alcohol since late March until just lately I was able to buy two bottles of it at Target. (online) As long as I can get Pogo's food and a few things for me, I'm happy. I agree that things will probably be this way for a while yet. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
I didn’t notice any shortages at the grocery store except disinfectant sprays, but I only go to the store every other week. 😊
I did notice several empty shelves at Home Depot.
What I've noticed is a tendency towards lineups later in the day.
Interesting responses as I though it had leveled off a little. I was surprised as to how some weeks things seem filled up but then the next week they are spare items. Thanks for sharing this.
They've had limits on certain meats and other items here for months. Can come and go from week to week. I love my Viva Select-a-Size paper towels, do't use them a lot, but was down to my last roll. Waited like six months to get another big package--finally were in two weeks ago. Never thought I'd be so happy to see my paper towels! I'm set for another year or so now--ahhh! We are funny creatures. ;)
This is really interesting, seeing how things are shaking down. I seem to see certain US trends but the things in Australia -- sheep/wool and the fruit I found really interesting. I bought some extra paper towel as it was in quite short supply here. Of course, that might just be the store we shopped at.
loved the summary. gives us all a real feel for whats happening across the nation.
What a large and dispersed audience you have.
Beatrice, Great summary! Food wise, ramen noodles and certain brands and types of soup are hard to find. (Not that we eat ramen noodles) Some pasta styles seem to be in short supply as well. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Very helpful post covering the whole picture of availability/shortage of products!
Well, as long as there's food, things are not bad. I'm worried about possible food shortage and high prices. Hopefully, my worries are wrong.
I can't name the movie but it was fascinating to read what is available and what is't available in different places. And why not to buy the cheapest product if you don't have to. Thanks for sharing. It made a good read.
This is such an interesting post. I am surprised about the things that are out of stock. I do get everything I need here. So, I don't shop at the big supermarkets like Walmart, Safeway etc - my places to shop are Trader Joe's, our grocery store at the corner and the farmers market. No shortages in either of these places. My cleaning supplies I order at Grove because I like environmentally friendly products. I order them in bulk and therefore so far have not experienced any shortages. Even yeast is available again without any limits. I just hope we don't get into shortages again.
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