This is Labor Day weekend, the final 🇺🇸 U.S. summer holiday, which will be vastly different this year with fewer celebrations and get-togethers 😢 as keeping healthy is reason to celebrate now.
No special holiday plans for us, other than a day 🚗 trip in NH to visit a new to us place. Details will be shared in a future post (of course).
Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Be safe and have fun — however you spend it
It's never too early for scarecrows and pumpkins. I'm looking forward to autumn. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Unlike our previous apartment there's no shelf outside the door to display anything here. Hadn't even thought about getting my small collection of pumpkins out.
We are headed to Salem today to visit the Stonehenge there. Read about it years ago in Yankee magazine and have been wanting to see it. Looks like a nice day for a drive south.
Wow! You got ready quickly. I imagine that Sue will soon attend to things here. we've been a little busy lately.
You always have great holiday displays. It must make you smile when you come home from a walk.
Haven't seen any pumpkins or scarecrows here yet. Soon, very soon. Have a great weekend.
I love your decorations. I think Pogo and I will spend the holiday weekend sitting on our porch and watching the birds and the little critters in the yard. We are thankful we can do this. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Edna B.
Fun decor!
looks really festive and beautiful! The funny thing is our Labor Day will be the same in my whole 76 years I have never celebrated are done anything on the Labor Day. Not a picnic nothing. In fact most of the time the jobs I had I had to work
Beatrice, Way too early for fall here in East Tennessee! 87 - 88 F today with thundershowers later. Cooler and dryer air this weekend...low 80s. As for fall decor, my better half will break out those items after the first of October. She is shopping around for a new fall themed wreath for the front door. We're hopeful that the weekend doesn't become a super-spreader event... Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
It may not be fall according to the calendar, but as soon as we get into September I make the mental shift, although today was a delightful summery day with very pleasant conditions, much improved from the heat and humidity experienced in July and August.
I know, can you believe that Fall is here!?!?! I feel like summer just started. Now mind you, I'm not at all complaining because I'm not a big fan of Summer, I'm more of Fall and Winter person, and all the things that go with it, such as, the festive decorations you shared here in your post. I got so excited last week when I walked into Walgreens and saw all the Halloween decorations on the shelves. I am so looking forward to having my first slice of fresh pumpkin pie. It's my favorite sweet!
Wishing you and your husband a HAPPY LABOR DAY weekend!
And Happy Fall!
Love your Fall decor. I don't put out much though did put out a "Hello Fall" hanging in the kitchen the other day. Outside I've planted one new mum and plan to get another one or two. Two that have grown all summer have lots of buds and I'm anxious for them to bloom. Fall is my very favorite time of year I think: I like the colors and themes better than Easter bunnies and chicks.
You are trying to get in the spirit of things by your decorations.
Have a great weekend! :)
Enjoy your day trip! It doesn't seem like we had a real summer. We didn't take a single overnight trip, and limited day trips to places we could eat in the car or have a picnic.
Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the holiday.
Take care.
Enjoy your little trip. Looking forward to reading more about it. Love your display in readiness for Autumn.
No fall decor here yet because we are summer loving folks (most of us anyway) and hang on to it tightly till the last day of it ☺☺ I have been changing out some decor but no orange anything, no pumpkins, no fall wreaths either although I'll be ready to change them when the time comes. No plans for us this holiday weekend....more Covid style home is best kind of living. I'll be ready to change some of that when the time is right!
Have a fun holiday!
Have a lovely weekend. We had our bank holiday last Monday. Now it’s the long slog for us until Christmas. Mind you being retired does help :). Hope you have a good day out. B x
I hope you can enjoy the Labor Day weekend. It doesn't feel like fall here at all - indeed, we are having another heatwave with triple digit temperatures and still smoke from the wildfires in the air. September often is the hottest month here and fall doesn't arrive before October. It's my favorite season, so I'm looking forward to it very much.
Love all the decorations but I am not ready for fall. Got to be too busy that I lost the whole summer. You two enjoy your trip.
Your decorations are beautiful.
Happy Labor Day weekend, Beatrice!
We’re ending the hottest week of the summer so it really doesn’t feel like Fall doesn’t feel like Labor Day either for the obvious reasons you mention, but staying healthy is definitely reason to celebrate!
We don't have Fall or Halloween here but these decors you shared are just so beautiful! I've always been amazed and wanted to experience Autumn but whenever I travel to Upper countries with four seasons, I never get to plan it during the fall, I hope someday I could :)
Have a great labor Day Weekend!
Happy Labor Day! We spend ours quietly also. Those Fall decorations are super! Enjoy your trip and look forward to reading all about it in a future post.
That time again already. Time flies at the speed of sound these days. Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend.
About the bus photo on my blog, no I wasn't on the bus that day but have been on it other times. It's a nice ride and it's free which makes it even better. :)
New Hampshire sounds like a fun trip! Stay safe.
Is it already time for that contest? I did put out some fall decor today. It's exciting to change things up a bit. And it's nice to have some cooler temperatures, even if today was a little humid for me. Hugs-Erika
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