
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Taking a Sunday Drive

Did you ever go on a weekend drive, when growing up or have you taken any recently? 

Here's some background on the term Sunday driver which originated from a practice that has fallen by the wayside in recent years. But, in the 1920s and 30s taking a drive, mainly in the country, was a form of entertainment. These rides were for pleasure with no destination or rush to get there. Many such drivers drove so slow as to annoy other drivers who were in a hurry to reach their destinations. When WWII gas and rubber rationing hit, these drives were mostly abandoned. By the 1950s, there was an upswing, which quickly faded as people found other weekend interests. A 1970s fuel crisis and increased gasoline costs further caused a decline in these drives. 
The vintage car in the above photo reminded me of Sunday drives with my parents and, in my case, younger brother Our drives were in my parents mid-1950s Mercury auto. Most times, my parents didn't have any special destination. Despite a previous decline, this year, drives to nowhere special have become more popular with many folks and not just on a Sunday. In some religions, such drives can be considered inappropriate if done on Sunday or Sabbath.

That might explain why both Grenville and myself still enjoy these drives. The difference is that now we're the motorists and not just the passengers; one of us still had that status last weekend. A lot of fall color is showing up throughout New England. This weekend, we took a look-see locally in NH.

All the photos in this post were taken while on the drive, fortunately that part was left to Grenville. We went only about 20 miles through a few towns near Nashua, NH and a short drive to Pepperell, MA, where's we hoped to see skydivers. These photos were taken with an iPhone since the best camera is the one you have with you, so this was mine.

Power and utility lines are unavoidable on most roadway drives even when not traveling major routes as we were doing. For the purposes of this post, I didn't take time to remove any.

Luckily, we passed some open fields, and it was possible to snap a colorful grouping through the car side window without any interfering lines. In future travels, we expect to see foliage scenes where there are none; fall colors are slowly starting in nearby Mine Falls Park, a favorite walk.

The skies looked threatening and there were a few sprinkles as we drove along. It never rained during this outing, even though rain is sorely needed here. Unfortunately, the dense cloud cover cancelled the skydiving. We plan to return another time, as spectators not participants.

Steady rain is expected later this week, followed by temps seasonably cooler than the high 70s of last week and weekend. 
Weather permitting this week, we expect to be taking another road trip. Fall colors can be fleeting once they start. Colder areas are up close to peak foliage color.

How are the fall colors in your area? We hope that you will be able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful autumn palette as much as we do where we can safely social distance, unmasked.
We ❤️ Autumn 🍁🍂 and here's another favorite, great niece Autumn Rose, who will celebrate her 1st 🎂 birthday in NJ next month. we last saw her at 3 months of age and now she's starting to take her first steps. Yikes! We would like to see her and other family members before she starts school, hopefully much sooner.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

As here, fall is well advanced where you live. It is a beautiful time of the year, and I look forward to the colours with no less anticipation than in years past. At present we are enjoying beautiful Indian Summer weather and it is forecast to remain like this for a few more days at least.

Ron said...

Yes, absolutely. And I LOVED it; especially in the Fall!

And can I just tell you that your photographs (which are gorgeous) put a huge smile on my face because I adore this time of year as the leaves change. It's so magical!

I really love the photos of the stormy skies against the trees. I'm strange in that I crave gray days during the fall and winter months. I think having lived in Florida for 20 years, where it's constantly sunny, I started missing the change in seasons and weather.

Hasn't the cooler weather been wonderful? We had a really great cool spell most of last week, but then the humidity and warmer temps returned during the weekend. However, the cooler temps are returning later this week.

We are starting to see the leaves change, but nothing dramatic.

The photos of Autumn Rose are just precious. She is soooooooo cute!

Thanks for sharing your drive, my friend!

Vee said...

What a cutie pie! They sure grow up fast.

What beautiful foliage you are sharing today. It will be peak here next week, I believe. That will be an entire week to ten days early.

My family often took a Sunday drive. Sweet memories...

Anvilcloud said...

You did really well with you mobile phone.
As you know, our colours are also grand.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh how nice, as our colors are just beginning...and it is raining today. But by Thurs. when I have some free time, I think I'll go on the Blue Ridge Parkway with my phone camera. When I carry my Nikon, I find it hard to use it's view-finder-screen if the sun is out. So the phone is my choice of cameras!

DUTA said...

Each of your pictures can be turned into a beautiful painting.
Autunmn Rose is adorable, just like the flower whose name she bears.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful drive there. Love seeing those early fall colors. We're starting to see a bit of color here, but nothing like you see there. Looking forward to more pics of the Autumn beauty (both the colors and your grand-niece!).

David said...

Beatrice, Weekend drives were part of my life when I was growing up. My stepfather favored Hudson automobiles and he loved to drive. Frequently we were dressed coat and tie. Cruised the back roads of southern Michigan, usually stopping at a mill, pond, farm stand, etc. You have great color going on this year up in NH. We do have some color up in the mountains here in eastern TN but it will be 2 -3 weeks before we have much here in the TN River valley. Autumm Rose certainly is a cutie! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Marcia said...

Sunday drives. Yes, I remember that. When the Beltway around Washington DC first opened we took a Sunday drive to go all the way around. Now too when we meet a slow poke on the highway we refer to them as "Sunday drivers".

I'm trying to work out where and how we can meet up. If you have any ideas let me know.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have always loved miniature or anything's! Miniature dolls miniature doll furniture anything small and those tiny adorable shoes in that last photo of autumn is just absolutely precious she is so cute and those shoes just made me feel happy looking at them. If we had a side like that with it within 20 miles to look at I most certainly would take a weekend drive to look at it but all we see is mile after mile of houses and houses and houses. But we do go for everyday rides now with big boy and when Bob was little and when I was little we shared stories with each other Sunday afternoons all the family piled in the car and went for a Sunday afternoon ride. There was nothing else to do. I did not like going on the ride but my mother that was her most favorite thing to do and they would not leave us home. I did enjoy when we went to Downtown Savannah and got out and walked up and down and Window Shop in all the clothes store windows

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Very little autumn foliage on display here - and it never gets as spectacular as in New England. I've never liked travelling in cars unless it's a necessity but I can certainly enjoy your photos.

Edna B said...

My Daddy used to take us for rides in the car on Sundays. And sometimes we even got to stop for an ice cream. Your foliage sure is pretty. Our trees are changing too. They really are beautiful. Autumn Rose is beautiful. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Emma Springfield said...

As an answer to your original question yes to both. Some of my favorite memories of childhood involve Sunday afternoon rides in the country, Today I still like to go driving down unknown stretches of road to see what I can see. It is relaxing and refreshing.

Jon said...

What GORGEOUS photos - - I absolutely love every one of them. The fall foliage here in rural TN doesn't really start turning until mid-October and reaches its peak around Halloween (although it seems to vary every year).

I wasn't particularly fond of drives when I was a child - but now, in retrospect, I miss them immensely and wish I could turn back the years.....our perspective changes as we get older.

Glad you're enjoying these glorious autumn days!

William Kendall said...

Lovely country views! My mother would love taking drives around the Niagara Escarpment.

Rita said...

What beautiful fall drive pics! And a beautiful little one with such a smile. :)

Joyce F said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures from your Sunday drive. We had a Tuesday drive today to an out of town (100 miles one way) medical appt for my husband. Due to road work we drove one route going and a different one coming back. Everything is still pretty green here in Kansas. Some of the sumac was starting to turn a little red, other places not. We never get the fall color that your pictures show though.

Michelle said...

Your photos are gorgeous. We have an old jeep that we love to take out for drives in good weather.

Red said...

You were driving with your eyes wide open and got some awesome photos.

Margaret D said...

How pretty the photos are as we certainly don't have colours or as many trees that turn those colours here in Tasmania. Most of our trees that turn those colours in autumn are introduced from other countries.

Always good to drive to nowhere and back. There is a place here called, No Where Else :)
Take care.

L. D. said...

She is such a pretty sweet niece. Our grand daughter is turning one mMay 1. We do not see her. Only on the internet. You look like typical New Hampshire as I have only seen in pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Your great niece Autumn Rose sure is adorable! Great photos too, gorgeous fall colors. Glad to see you are getting out and about.

Stevenson Q said...

Oh gorgeous captures!!! never have I experienced Autumn and I very much dream of it someday! Those colors are just warming despite the cold weather (they say) but Autumn Rose is the warmest and cutest of all!

Jeanie said...

Your color is really beautiful, Dorothy. And I really am wild about those clouds, although they look quite threatening. It's a gorgeous time of year, isn't it?

My name is Erika. said...

Oh I love to go for drives. I sometimes go by myself for a little cruise around wherever I am. Only problem with that is that it is very hard to take photos. Smile. The leaves have been beautiful, haven't they? Only after today's wind we lost some. I have 2 bare trees in my yard. That usually happens after Columbus Day. I love seeing these drive photos. The colors are great! Hugs-Erika

Coastal Ripples said...

Yes I remember weekend drives as a family way back. My father loved to drive us around the sights of London on a Sunday morning when there was hardly any traffic back in the sixties. Loved your atmospheric photos with gorgeous autumn colour. Leaves are never quite so dramatic over on our little island. Usually the wind blows them off before they have chance to properly change colour. Storms are imminent as I type. B x

Rob K said...

My goodness, what beautiful photos. The colors are just fabulous. And Autumn Rose is absolutely adorable!

I live in Brooklyn and I haven't seen any sign of fall yet in our local parks. But then it has been unusually warm for a while, so perhaps we'll start seeing some colors yet.

My aunt has a summer home in the Berkshires and I have some fond memories of visiting her in autumn, though we didn't get up there this year.