Until early March, the COVID-19 pandemic erupted and shutdowns began — restaurants to retail stores and speciality shops. Online buying became more popular, surging with purchases of essentials and some not-so-essential items too.
Our essentials buying patterns didn't change. We continued grocery shopping with new protocols of social distancing, mask wearing. No need to shop as a planned Sept trip was cancelled and not going anywhere meant nothing new was needed.
That left time (and money) to buy several completely non-essential items. In my defense, all were good deals and one is no longer in my possession.
Why Buy? Because they were there.
Did I need them? Absolutely not, see above comment.
What did I buy? Continue reading to find out.
Photography is a hobby and while I wasn't planning to buy anything, looking at eBay listings resulted in purchases of 2 Panasonic Lumix digital cameras, both were older, pre-owned models, ranging in age from 7 to 12 years, very far from new.
Bidding on eBay can get crazy, especially at near-auction end. Many sellers list items as Buy It Now some with a Make Best Offer. That's how I bought the cameras — Best Offer was made and accepted on both. If a seller accepts a Best Offer, the item is off the market and placed in the buyer's checkout cart. I honored both purchase commitments.
The black ↓ Lumix DMX-TZ5 (top), new in 2008, was described as a great travel camera with a stabilized big zoom lens in a compact package. This was when a 9.1mp, 10X zoom (28-280mm equivalent) was big news on a small camera. The camera doesn't have manual control over shutter speeds, aperture or focus, but does provide exposure control.

The silver ↑ Lumix DMC-ZS25 (bottom), new in 2013 has a 16.1 mp, a 20X zoom super zoom (24-480mm equivalent) has both auto and manual exposure control.
Both included extras. The Lumix DMC-TZ5 included a charger, two original Panasonic batteries, 16MB SD card, small camera case. Its original, new price was over $200, my winning bid, $25 plus shipping. The Lumix DMC-ZS25 came with a charger and three batteries. Its original, new cost was over $300, my winning $39 plus shipping.
The above view shows both cameras side-by-side with zooms extended. The build quality between them differs in that the older black one is heavier with a metal body.
My third pandemic purchase is the small black item in the photo, a bluetooth speaker seen at a local flea market Seller said it's the last one at $5, adding give me $2, so I did. In the original package with charging cable, this Onn brand sold at Walmart for $12.
Savings was $10 on an unplanned purchase that works great. It pairs up quickly with an old iPhone used for podcasts and audio books, and turns off when not in use. I've been using it more often than an Anker bluetooth speaker bought 2 years ago.

UPDATE: The Lumix DMC-ZS25 camera has a new owner in another state. While a good deal, it wasn't needed. Coincidentally, it sold as a Buy It Now within a day of being listed. I'm keeping the DMC-TZ5 which is compact and handy for in-town walk-arounds.
Just Wondering❓Buy any non-essential(s) — Do share; this is a no judgement blog.
Forgot to mention, Grenville bought this → after a lengthy search. It's a pity cherries are no longer available in the local supermarkets; he can always pit olives until next season.
Welcome Autumn 🍁 September is here 🍂
My one non-essential purchase was a dishwasher. I have always wanted one but never felt that it was necessary. Now I believe it is necessary. Not a dirty dish in my house!
Neat little cameras. There's one living in my cupboard that gets to see daylight occasionally! So far I've avoided making any unnecessary purchases - though I've been sorely tempted on many occasions.
I haven't bought any big purchases online since this all started but lots of non-essential things that add up, like a strawberry huller!!! Have I used it yet for hulling strawberries? Nope!
Enjoy your new purchases!
Me, I'm buying only essentials ; trying to declutter, to downsize, and to find ways to deal with the scary uncertainty of the times we live in.
I haven't purchased anything non-essential...yet. I may have to think of something and head over to ebay and take a look around. I love that you bought a Lumix. I've been using Panasonic Lumix for many years. Actually I do want a new camera. Maybe I will finally make a non-essential purchase. Thank you for the inspiration!
I have to admit that my weakness in life, in terms of "things" is books. I already have more than I need; not only are shelves overflowing, spare rooms are in danger of being taken over! Yet I continue to acquire more! Are they non-essential? I think one could make the case that they are, but I can't imagine living without them, and before I started on the response to this blog post, I was using no less than seven reference books, still on my desk, in conjunction with an article I am writing. So, I tell myself that they are essential to my well-being and I should not be expected to live without them! And no one expects me to, if the truth be known. Miriam is a bit of an enabler in fact. The other day she picked up three gems for me in a thrift store, one of which I was especially delighted to have. You gotta love a woman like that huh?
When the bookstores started opening again, I did buy some books.
At some point I'll need to buy a spare bookshelf.
I have a point and shoot type camera someplace, but have been using my cell phone for years now. Those look like they could do marvelous things. :)
You know, I've never bought anything on eBay, but I know a lot of people who have and they got some really good deals. At one point, I was actually thinking of selling some of my things on eBay because I had no use for them, so I thought, "Why not make some money?" I had a friend who had a very lucrative business selling on eBay. She did it for several years.
Being a photographer myself, I got very excited looking at your camera purchases. I heard that Lumix is a very good quality brand. And judging from the price tags, you got a VERY good deal!
I haven't really purchased any non-essentials since March because I've been really trying to watch what I spend. I was out of work since the pandemic, so I had to live off my savings. But I eventually want to get a new lens for my Canon camera because I'm really outgrowing the lens it came with.
Enjoy your cameras. They're awesome!
P.S. YES! Welcome AUTUMN! I am sooooooooo excited for all the pumpkin stuff! I've had enough of summer.
Beatrice, We buy an updated easy to carry digital cameral every 5 -7 years. Not really an impulse item for us. I have shopped on eBay a couple of times for items I couldn't find elsewhere...and one collectable that was an impulse. We have boought a few impulse items since Covid-19 reared its ugly head...Danish dough whisks, a shoulder bag for my better half, a case of Heinz Ketchup with Tabasco...and a large number of books, including another bird watching book. We already had 3 of them! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I am playing catch up once again. I loved reading this because I got to see those camra you told me about. Hope you are enjoying them. Happy September. Hugs-Erika
I've been shopping very little during the pandemic. When I buy things, unless it is book or art supplies, it is mostly food, meds, or essentials -- like toothpaste and cough drops! However, I did get a hot water heater (not my idea but a necessity) and will soon be paying up my house. So all the money I've saved in the past six months will soon be spent and maybe a little more -- but it will be goood to be mortgage free!
A shopping spree on eBay for you..well nothing like a good old buzz.
Haven't done any shopping this winter in stores (they are open) or online. Just didn't need anything, as yet.
we just returned from trip where we did some shopping okay i admit some extra shopping which was not urgently needed though it will be of use until we go there again
i think you did good to buy new cameras ,i too wanted to buy one but other stuff replaced :(
wishing you all the best for all you do ahead my friend!
Sue bought an add-on hair piece to try to calm the abundant-hair situation. It attaches to the back.
A few bargain buys for Christmas gifts but no unnecessary buys as yet.
I have a good camera, but I mostly use my cell phone and my smaller camera, the Canon Powershot SX70 HS. Between the two, I get decent photos. I've tried to cut back on my (needless) spending on the web. But I still do most of my shopping on the web. I guess it's the new way. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
Both cameras pick up something I would enjoy using. I don't go anywhere to use the camera anymore and I have three or four around the house that I don't even use. I have not bought anything that was not needed and the past 6 months. We spent all our money on the news from Air Conditioning to vet bills to doctor bills and we bought a vacuum cleaner which I love that we bought it because the other one dad dead. We are on lockdown on spending right now. The prescriptions were big boy I have to go pay for today and the vet bills cost a whole lot more than cameras. I have never been on anything on eBay or bought anything from eBay
Nothing comes to mind that I purchased that would be considered as an unnecessary item...but I'm sure there is something! ☺ One thing I have purchased a lot of is groceries...8 people who are home ALL the TIME. No need to say more, ha ha! And I wasn't the only purchaser... but wow, do we ever go through the food.
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