
Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Funnies

Here's something a bit different for today's smile instead of the usual photo. This clip was first sent to me by a friend who lives in the UK and I also found it on YouTube. 

In times of crisis, like now, it's been said that humor and laughter are the best medicine. That may not help cure anything, but it certainly can't hurt to share a chuckle. Besides in this time of self-isolation, why not.

Americans need to know that we are not in this battle alone. Friends Down Under are facing TPT (Toilet Paper Tribulations) as well. This humorous poem from a well known bush poet, S.J. Paterson, sums up the current TP craziness worldwide. 

FYI: The word “dunny” is slang for a toilet/bathroom. Coles is the name of a supermarket chain in Australia.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Yep, sums up the intellectual capacity of most of our fellow citizens.

Edna B said...

People do such strange things! You be safe and have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is funny, poo tickets is my favorite words from this.. I thought it was only usa that was doing the tp thing.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Stay safe, Beatrice.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my, now that's putting it all in perspective ;)

Rita said...

Global pandemic and global TP shortage due to panic hoarding. People be crazy. ;)

Tara said...

Our friends and neighbors down under have been through an awful lot. This gent gave me some much needed laughter! Pooh Tickets -- perfect!!

Valerie said...

It is astonishing how people rally round to comfort one another, it so reminds me of the war years. Yes, I'm that old!!

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Thanks for the break ...

My name is Erika. said...

This is funny. And it does sum up this weird world right now. I just hope we all stay healthy, which is the important thing. I guess we can all deal with all the shortages and staying home more. In some ways it is relaxing for me, not feeling I have to go out, but then sometimes I do miss going out. We just got back from a walk which makes the world of difference. A little fresh air, and since tomorrow is not sounding to good...yikes. This is what makes March so tough. We get this teasing and then winter comes back. Hope you are both washing your hands and staying our of harms way. Hugs-Erika

Bill said...

LOL, that is funny.
Stay safe!

DUTA said...

English is not my native language, and I find it difficult to follow the poem in the video because of the accent of the presenter.
I'll say this: Humor and laughter are always the best medicine. However, I feel that the subject of toilet paper hoarding cannot even bring a faint smile to my lips.

L. D. said...

I sure have gotten behind on your blogs. I am probably on the net at an opposite time of the day and it passes me by.