
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bundled Up

The weather in Nashua, NH, hasn't been as cold as in recent winters, but there have been some cold days and nights, so winter wear is needed. 

Last week, I saw the two figures in a sculpture at the entrance of the Nashua Public Library were garbed in colorful winter hats.
This note was tucked in the lap of the girl figure along with two pairs of gloves.
It's not the first time, items have been placed by the sculpture. Several months ago, I spotted this pair of shoes left there. A religious text was in the girl figure's lap. 
The hats and gloves were gone when I returned to the library a few days later as was the book. Hopefully, those in need have benefitted from these well-meaning donations.


LL Cool Joe said...

.What a lovely gesture My sister-in-law knits scarves and leaves them around town for people who need them.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I love this. I hope a lot of people read it and do the same.

Anvilcloud said...

That is one way to help out.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have a beautiful statue similar to this one in front of our library. and tons of homeless people that hang out inside and outside the library. the shoes and hats are a great idea, now I wonder if anyone has thought of that here.. I have not been there in a couple of years. because of the kindle

Edna B said...

What a wonderful idea leaving hats and scarves for the homeless. Hmmm, food for thought! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Coastal Ripples said...

I had to look up Nashua to check out where you live. I’ve ventured as far as Boston so it looks like you’re a little above that. Definitely chilly. What a lovely idea to leave helpful items by the statue. Clearly a friendly town :) B x

Anonymous said...

That's truly lovely.

Christina said...

The reading children looked cute with their hats on but it is nice to know that they'll warm the heads of somebody in need of a bit of warmth.

Karen Lakis said...

That’s really sweet. I, too, hope they won’t to someone who needs it.

Bill said...

Very nice indeed. My wife used to make winter hats and leave them around town telling people to take them and stay warm. A great way to give to those who need a helping hand.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

What a wonderful gesture!

Jon said...

The sculpture is really sweet - and putting those items on it is a thoughtful and generous idea.
I only hope that someone truly needy has taken them, rather than some greedy spoilsport.

Rita said...

What a sweet idea! :)

Linda said...

It's a wonderful thing to see kindness expressed in creative ways. And it inspires us to look for ways to do the same....

Valerie said...

Wonderful gestures. It is reassuring to know there are still kind hearts on our planet.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a lovely idea.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Yes, I would love to be added!💖 I love that people are thinking about the needs of others. It's very windy on the Island today but sunny and 37 degrees. Small world, you visiting Stonington!

mamasmercantile said...

I have seen this done before, such a great idea to help those who are in need.

Connie said...

What a wonderful way to share with others and show that someone cares.

NCmountainwoman said...

We have a knitting group that periodically during the winter places hats and scarves on the many sculptures in town. They also put them on park benches for anyone who might need them. I think it's a grand way to help others.

DeniseinVA said...

What a wonderful and touching thing for people to do, so kind. The statue is lovely!

diane b said...

What a kind thing to do. We need more people like that in the world.

baili said...

oh this is lovely and generous act to do :)

i am glad you shared this sweet post my friend
i think our wrld need such beautiful kind hearts more than before

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh just love love this idea! So sweet and a help to anyone in need!

William Kendall said...

I've seen this idea done here too.