
Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Funnies

Here's a photo that needs begs for a caption. I could only come up with these taking poetic license on the first one. Feel free to comment with your suggestion(s).

How much is that doggie in the stroller?
We were stollin' along

This trio was being pushed by their owner in an Orlando, FL park we visited during our recent short trip there.

Currently, I'm trying out a couple of new (to me) free photo editors. This border is included in one of them. A post next week will give some details on these programs.

If possible, avoid large gatherings and stay well. Several major events have been cancelled/postponed here in the city of Nashua, NH and throughout New England. Both Grenville and myself are taking as much precaution as possible and hope you all are too.

If you have neighbors or friends who are susceptible to health issues or elderly, it might be good to give them a call or visit (if possible) to make sure that they are OK.

Enjoy Your weekend, Everyone


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Triple Threat popped in my head for some reason. they are adorable. Florida is pretty much closed, Disney and Universal, all the baseball, all sports, even bob's Nascar races, will run but allow no one to go to the races.. we are staying calm and washing hands and training our selves to stop touching our faces. we both had no idea how much we touch our faces until we tried to stop. as I type this bob is on the sofa with the side of his face propped in his hand.

DUTA said...

Perhaps 'the three musketeers'? or 'all for one and one for all'

NCmountainwoman said...

I am staying home except for visits to chemo clinic. I would be doing that even without thee corona virus. My immune system is too compromised to be around people right now.

Edna B said...

We're doing everything we can, so let us all be healthy and safe. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Tara said...

Those pups are adorable but I can't for the life of me come up with a caption!

I'm self isolating, as I have three underlying health issues which put me at risk. I won't even have any visitors at my home. I Facetime with my daughter and grand kids and they're only a mile up the road! I'm well stocked on the essentials, and I keep myself busy organizing and cleaning, exercising, watching movies and television series, and reading. I'm pretty good at keeping myself entertained. This all may wear thin in a couple of weeks, and this virus is going to be a danger for the next many months. So...we'll see if I go nuts by then or not.

Valerie said...

I am trying to live a normal life but the news on radio etc are hell bent on worrying the life out of us. Simple cautions - yes, heavy warnings and scaremongering - NO.


too cute for words.

Bill said...

Triple delight! Everything is closed here except grocery shops. We were also reminded not to panic shop but there is evidence by the empty shelves that some people are not paying attention to that message. Bread, pasta amd toilet paper supplies are very low or non existent. We were told to self isolate so that is what we're doing.
To answer your question - yes, that was main street in Dungloe. Behind the right side of the street is the bay that leads to the ocean.

Enjoy your weekend!

Buttercup said...

Love this! It reminds me of the dog walkers I see on the streets of New York City. Sometimes they are juggling up to six or seven dogs and some of those puppies look like they weigh as much as I do. Take care!

William Kendall said...

Very cute!

Connie said...

Cute photo! My caption would be, "Haven't you ever heard, three's a crowd?!"

We are taking precautions as we have been advised. Stay safe.