
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Testing and State Reopening

Drive-Up Coronavirus Testing, Nashua, NH
Testing, testing — and the results are negative for both of us, thankfully.

This is where we went last Friday after reading a recent news report that there were more COVID-19 testing supplies available in NH than people asking for the test. We showed no symptoms and didn't suspect any infection. But, since testing was available, we participated as we fall in the "certain age" group.

State health officials hope that more widespread testing will give a better picture of the extent of the outbreak here.

The Nashua Division of Public Health and Community Services provided drive-in testing by calling a COVID-19 Hotline and by appointment onlyAfter calling last Friday morning , we walked 10 minutes to the outdoor testing site at a nearby church parking lot. We were tested by late afternoon (think of a large Q-Tip being inserted up your nostril for the test), and received a call yesterday with the results. 
Only the humans in this car were tested

This week, state health officials announced promising trends statewide with an overall plateau and a lower percentage of hospitalizations. More than 34,000 people have been tested; the state has averaged 1,200 tests daily over the past week. There were 89 new positive cases of COVID-19, raising the state’s total to 3,160 with 1,231 recovered to date. There were no additional deaths; NH’s total is 133 deaths.

The percentage of those hospitalized has dropped; 318 people were hospitalized at some point, about 10% of the 3,160 positive tests. A broader range of people are being tested now, previously only those showing serious illness and corona virus symptoms were tested.

NH Governor Chris Sununu issued a stay-at-home order, March 26, for NH residents, in effect until May 4. The governor asked everyone to stay home unless absolutely necessary, especially those over age 65 or with chronic health conditions. However, people could still go outside for exercise, to work, and to buy essential supplies.

The stay-at-home order differs from a shelter-in-place order. Transportation services were not closed, the state border wasn't closed, people weren't prevented from leaving home, residents of other states weren't prohibited from entering.

This week, more closure restrictions were lifted as part of plan to reopen the economy while encouraging social distancing, a process called, Stay-at-Home 2.0.

State parks, campgrounds and manufacturing facilities have remained open, but with new guidelines. The state parks policy has reopening guidelines for inland state beaches, with limited occupancy and other restrictions. Seacoast beaches remain closed; NH is working with neighboring states on when/how to relax that restriction. It would be nice to take a drive to the ocean, but No Parking restrictions are in place along the seacoast routes.

NH businesses reopening this week included malls and outlets in Nashua, Salem, and Manchester. The Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua and the Mall at Rockingham Park, border MA, a state hard hit by COVID19. NH state officials are concerned about out-of-state visitors who come to shop here as NH has tax-free shopping. 

Retail store employees must wear face masks, follow sanitation guidelines, stores must enforce social distancing of six feet. Mall officials said employees temperatures will be taken at the start of their shift. Stores will operate with modified hours to allow for deep cleaning areas. Retail locations will only be able to operate at 50% of max. occupancy. Customers are encouraged to wear face coverings, order ahead or do curbside pick up. It's easier to stay home and shop online as no face covering or social distancing are required.

Next Monday, May 18, NH restaurants can reopen with outdoor food services, in addition to take-out and delivery. Servers must wear face coverings. Customers exempted as dining would not be possible when masked.

Only outdoor dining will be allowed; no indoor dining is permitted. Tables will be limited to no more than six people and set up six feet apart. Also, reservations will be required.

A walk downtown this week showed 3 local eateries (Martha's Exchange, MT's and Fratellos) are set up for outdoor dining in advance of nest week's lifted restrictions.

Barbershops and hair salons could reopen as of this Monday, and only see customers by appointment and must limit the number of chairs in use. Staff and customers must wear face coverings and only hair cuts and colorings are allowed. Grenville was lucky, able to make an appointment and get a haircut at his favorite barbershop. But, my hair salon has opted to remain closed until June 1 and I'll have longer (and by then grayer) hair. Thank goodness for Miss Clairol.

Golf courses will only be allowed to open for NH and/or current club members. Clubhouse use is prohibited; only personal equipment can be used. There's also restrictions on food and drinks. Luckily, neither of us participate in this sport; but our neighbor was glad for the lifted restriction.

As of Monday, May 4, hospitals could resume elective procedures previously on hold, such as time sensitive MRIs and CT scans, knee and hip replacements, biopsies and other invasive testing. Dentist offices were allowed to reopen and must follow the new restrictions. Our appointments were cancelled in April. We're waiting for reschedules.

Internet source: Northfield, NH Drive-In (2015) 
Did you ever go to to a drive-in movie theater? As a child, who attended the (long gone) Somerville, NJ Drive-In with my family, there was no better form of entertainment and in car dining on a warm summer evening.

Recently, I've read that people may be return to drive-in movies when they can reopen. Of course, there will be restrictions on food and beverages, and guidelines to prevent crowding, especially at restrooms. 

An online check showed that NH still has some drive-in theaters statewide:  Weirs Drive-In Theater, Weirs Beach; Milford Twin Drive-In, Milford; Northfield Drive-In, Hinsdale and Northern Lights Drive-In, Lancaster. Like indoor movies, it's now a costly outing as prices listed were from $30/car of 6 to $8/adult, but you can bring your own food and drink. We've never been to one here, but are thinking about doing it again as a way to get out in and social distance, maybe with a couple of neighbors too.

That's HOW virus-related things are looking in here in Nashua, NH and within the state.
How are they going where you live and are you coping OK?


Ron said...

That's great news! Here in Philadelphia, they only offer testing to those that show signs of the virus and have a written doctor's order. There is a drive-up station (much like the one shown in your photo), where people can drive up and get receive their test. We still have a lot of cases in this city. In fact, the hotel across the street from my apartment building is being used as an overflow of patients; primarily the homeless population. The hotel is strictly monitored by our police force 24/7.

Philadelphia is a mixed bag of rules and regulations. Some are strict, others are more relaxed. Technically though, the city will not be officially open for business until June 4th. However, parts of PA have already started opening.

Places like Starbucks are open, but only offer mobile service. No one is permitted to actually go in and sit down in any coffee shop or restaurant. Everything except "essential" businesses are still shut down.

Thanks for the update. And stay well, my friend!

Lois Evensen said...

I'm glad to hear you are both negative. We've been sheltering in place here in Ohio.

Anvilcloud said...

I think you're a little ahead of us, but we seem to be on a similar trajectory. Widespread testing is still an issue here. We are a huge province, territorially speaking.

Anonymous said...

There have been a few new cases in our very big county here, most of them in an assisted living facility. We feel pretty safe but are still sheltering in place and wear a mask whenever we go out. Glad that you got tested and all is well.

Edna B said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are both negative. And it's great that things are beginning to open again, even with restrictions. We are beginning here in my part of MASS. too. It will take time. I'm eighty, so I will stick to my home for a much longer time. I will be glad though, when I can take a ride to the local park to take some photos. That will be a treat. You enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

David said...

Hi Dorothy, Sounds like decent progress is being made in NH. Here in Tennessee, we are a bit ahead of you as regards opening up. My better half went to the salon and had her hair cut and colored on Monday. (Lots of precautions taken as we're both on the risk spectrum!) Our number of reported Covid-19 cases to deaths is somewhat lower than NH. You are running 4.2% vs. TN at 1.64% so far. We can dine inside here...but we aren't doing it! 61 days in self-isolation so store visits only plus outdoor visits with neighbors properly social distanced. Grocery store employees are not always wearing masks...but we are. We haven't tested as we haven't seen a reason to get in line to do it... We will do so after a bit more time. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Emma Springfield said...

It's good to see that somewhere is doing well. Not only are your coronavirus cases steady or down but common sense is being used for re-opening. Congratulations.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Kentucky is opening things back up, slowly this month. A haircut for me at the end of the month is already booked. I have a drive in about fifteen minutes from my house. It is very popular. It opened up last weekend, but no getting out of your car to visit/hang out/sit in lawn chairs. No visiting the bathroom either!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

It’s great news about your test results.

Things started opening up here in Florida within last two weeks. I heard that anyone can get tested after making an appointment.
I don’t go out a lot, and it seems most try to follow social distancing and wear masks in this neighborhood.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have a drive in here, and it has been going now for several years and is really popular with the virus lock down.. i prefer watching movies in my living room but can see how families would like this option.. i loved drive in movies in my teens.
sounds like your state is doing well and ready to give it a try on soft opening

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would take the test if we had that option... we can get one for 119.00 at quest lab

Marcia said...

Thanks for the update on NH. This means we can go out to eat at Three Tomatoes (I think I remember that correctly) when we get to Lebanon.

Don't feel the need to be tested since no symptoms. Interesting that it was open to anyone. Not around here.

Tara said...

Sounds as if NH is doing a good job. Colorado loosened restrictions a week ago, and my daughter went for a haircut (which I wish she hadn't -- she has two children and a husband). I'm going to continue all precautions until we see what happens in states that are loosening up. Cases are going up in some states as people begin to congregate. I'm glad you got tested - was it as awful as some say?

I have Type 1 diabetes, so I'm being extra careful. I'm beginning to think this is going to be a long-haul nationwide and worldwide. Let's hope some speedy scientists come up with a vaccine ahead of schedule!

DUTA said...

Kudos to you! I wouldn't go for it. Don't wish to know.
Here, they've started to test those who have recovered from the disease, to find out about antibodies and immunity. It's going to be interesting.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Still going here though they have eased things a little but we are staying put and not going out yet

L. D. said...

I am glad you tested and found good results. Our turn around stopped when the bad numbers doubled in a two week period. We are now number 8 of the 10 hot spots of disease in the whole country. We won't open up much more now. Stay safe and be careful.

Bill said...

We can go for exercise only 5km from our home. Restrictions will be reviewed at the end of the week to see if more will be relaxed. Other than walking for exercise and food shopping, we have been staying in. Lots of reading which I enjoy.

My blog photo is the trail we do some of our walking on. Sometimes we walk down to the pier and do that loop a couple of times. Both are minutes away from home which is great. Stay safe and be careful!

Luiz Gomes said...

Good night, how are you? I am Brazilian and I am looking for new followers for my blog and new friends are also welcome.

Rita said...

Not exactly sure what the current rules are in ND. We never had an official stay-at-home edict in the first place. Schools were shut down--nonessential stores and businesses with close contact like movie theaters, restaurants and beauty salons. Schools still aren't open but they've pretty much opened up everything else here with protocols, I think. But so many places shut down on their own and have been doing their own thing so they aren't necessarily coordinated and never have been here. Like one grocery store you don't have to wear masks but another one still requires masks. Doesn't matter much to us because we are still in isolation mode and my son's work is still staying working mostly at home until the end of June. We don't plan to change anything any time soon.

You are lucky to be able to get tests--even if that swap up your nose sounds horrible. Glad you tested negative!! Nice to hear good news. :)

Red said...

People are wishing and hopeful that things will open up. As with everything about covid, we don't know.

Buttercup said...

We're still pretty shut down, but I've noticed a few small restaurants opening for pick-up and that's been very heartening. I've also gotten emails from all of my doctors that they will begin scheduling appointments in June, which isn't far away. My first outing out of my neighborhood will probably be the dentist or eye doctor. I would love to eat out at a sidewalk restaurant and hoping they will be open by the summer. I know I will appreciate it so much more than I have in the past.

Coastal Ripples said...

Glad things aren’t too bad in your state and things are gradually opening despite the new regulations. Jersey too is beginning to open up and we are thankful for our closed sea border. Not sure how things will pan out once travel starts again. It a strange new world at the moment. B x

Christina said...

Very glad to hear that you tested negative and I hope you continue to stay well x

mamasmercantile said...

Thrilled you were both testing negative, long may that last. Most interesting to see how different areas are handing the pandemic and the different use of vocabulary. We are still in lockdown and due to Gerard been high risk we are not allowed out at all. We are certainly living in strange times. Take care and stay safe.

Jon said...

Congratulations on being Negative! It's fortunate that you are within walking distance to a testing site, and you also seem to have a reasonable governor (not like some states...).

Your mention of drive-in movie theaters brought back a lot of fond memories. I'm surprised that so many of them are still around.

The old one in Somerville, NJ sounds familiar. We probably went there on occasion when I was a very young child. Most of the ones I remember were in California.-

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We can only hope that all of this is not premature and we will not be forced into isolation all over again. I was reading a piece yesterday where the author was speculating that wearing masks in stores may become permanent practice. Will life ever be the same again? Who knows at this stage?

Rose said...

Things are easing up here in Indiana...but the dr. still wants me to keep my husband out of the public for a while longer.

Connie said...

I'm glad to hear your test results came out negative. Things are pretty much the same here in Ohio.

My name is Erika. said...

That's good news your tests came back negative. It's a scary disease and scarier to think of people who may have it and show no symptoms. I want to get an antibody test, and will one of these days. I need to get through school first. I haven't been at the Weirs Drive In for years but when my daughter was a kid we used to go a couple times a summer. It was always a fun night out, and maybe that will be the big movie outing this summer. Maybe you'll check out a drive in once they open. Have a super weekend and stay well. Hugs-Erika

baili said...

despite of all dreadful news about virus how reliving to hear about reopening dear Dorothy :)

this is great that parks are opened with altered guideline :)
hope restaurants will also open next monday in your area
beaches are kept close may be until new policy is designed

here most of things are opened except transport ,parks and hotels
people are not being careful which is raising number of patents but govt decided to keep things open because they think it is not solution
stay well and healthy dear friend!

Jeanie said...

Some things are open here -- up north IS open, pretty much all, I think, apart from things like hair salons, etc. Touchy things. There are restrictions on dining or how many can come into a place. Downstate restaurants can still only do take-out, more restrictions.

That's fine with me. Our Stay Home goes till June 9 or 15 -- I forget which.